Shell scripting for Unix and/or Linux

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Shell scripting for Unix and/or Linux
# 1  
Old 11-12-2002
Lightbulb Shell scripting for Unix and/or Linux

Anyone here knows any reasonably priced courses for independent (not corporate) users that can point me to. Already know Unix commands/vi/etc but now need scripting too. Any replies will be appreciated.
# 2  
Old 11-12-2002
This is probably obvious, but you can check at your local university or junior college. It may be a longer time frame than a Vendor course, but it will be infinitely cheaper too!

Where do you live? Maybe someone in your area posts here as well.

# 3  
Old 11-13-2002

Thanks for replying. I live in N. London and there are colleges that I might consider, trouble is it takes too long (a few months). I'll probably take one of the L.Tree courses which are mainly used by companies (like the ones I've been b4).
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