I have a list of 70 files in a directory and I need to merge the content of each file into one big matrix file (71 columns x 3060 rows).
Each file has the following format only two columns per file:
Things that need to consider:
1) The first column, 'unique' is a unique field among each file, it's the second column that is different and what I need merged into one data matrix.
2) The randomtext line (second line of each file) I wish I could ignore in my final file...
3) Note, not all files are sorted as the example I posted above.
Final merged file, should be
Obviously, I need 71 columns in the final file, with the first column as the 'unique' field and the other 70 columns to be the associated value from the 70 files in the common directory.
I think you've been around here long enough to have had a go at this yourself, labrazil. :-)
Try using awk to build an array indexed by the first field. As you process each file you can just append the new values to the existing values stored in the array. Then you can just print out the entire array in your END { } clause. I'm presuming that the same number of unique indices appears in all of the files, otherwise it woudl become more complicated because you'd have to cater for the ones that were missing.
I think you've been around here long enough to have had a go at this yourself, labrazil. :-)
Try using awk to build an array indexed by the first field. As you process each file you can just append the new values to the existing values stored in the array. Then you can just print out the entire array in your END { } clause. I'm presuming that the same number of unique indices appears in all of the files, otherwise it woudl become more complicated because you'd have to cater for the ones that were missing.
Thanks Anni,
I came across this code
But two problems with this.
how can I incorporate it to run through all 70 files at once without doing it one by one, and two, how can remove the second line from each file as I'm merging them?
Copy data from other file to paste
cat file1:
Name: server1.data.com
data1 server1 running
Name: server3.data.com
data3 server3 running
cat file2:
server1 good
server2 bad
network not ok
server3 good
Output: (10 Replies)
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I have created multiple scripts and send the output to new file, getting this output to my mailbox on daily basis.
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For example,
Created script for
df -h > df.doc
grep... (7 Replies)
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I have a complex (beyond my biological expertise) problem at hand.
I need to merge multiple files into 1 big matrix. Please help me with some code.
Ang_0 chr1 98 T A
Ang_0 chr1 352 G A
Ang_0 chr1 425 C T
Ang_0 chr2 ... (1 Reply)
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e.g full data matrix
Bh1 Bh2 Bh3 Bh4 Bh5 Bh6 Bh7
Bh1 0 0.241058 0.236129 0.244397 0.237479 0.240767 0.245245
Bh2 0.241058 0 0.240594 0.241931 0.241975 ... (8 Replies)
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original... (10 Replies)