Unix Script to parse a CSV

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# 1  
Old 09-09-2008
Unix Script to parse a CSV

I am writing a unix script that will parse a CSV and edit the values. My CSV looks like this
125,124,78,62,97,87,145,70,87,119,150,124,99,95,41,175,85,58,57,88,142,83,92,102,107,80,45,64,64,94, 89
125,126,78,62,99,87,145,70,87,119,161,124,99,95,41,175,85,58,58,88,142,84,112,103,108,80,68,64,65,98 ,89
189,254,164,153,192,153,230,132,188,163,210,210,167,198,93,235,146,110,97,130,211,107,181,140,151,11 9,105,105,178,126,165
189,324,168,192,194,159,233,132,192,169,244,210,167,201,103,235,147,152,180,181,213,107,192,190,212, 119,119,126,195,126,166
189,324,168,255,194,225,233,141,192,230,244,260,167,201,172,283,181,206,217,216,261,107,192,235,212, 119,169,197,264,189,229
366,438,315,319,382,287,398,320,416,382,407,397,342,448,276,392,297,368,237,347,336,332,384,405,412, 284,329,350,396,326,356

This script would run every hour on the hour deleting the first value on a specific line and adding a new record to the end of that same line. So for instance at 8:00am I might delete the 0 from the first line and add a 10 at the end. I also have a version of the CSV that has the time as the first value of each row. I have tried both awk and sed and I can't figure out how to replace a value at a specfic location. I think I can delete the first value in row 1 using this code snippet, but I dont know how to add the value to the end of the same row. Is there a way to parse the csv into a two dimesional array and then output it back into a csv at the end? It probably isn't the most efficient way but it would work.
I hope this isn't too confusing. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks

sed '1s/^[^,]*,//' file.csv

# 2  
Old 09-09-2008
In perl, you'd 'slurp' in the file, break it into an array.
You'd request the line of the array that you wanted, split it into a new array.
You'd pop the array to shorten it by one, unshift your new value to the front of the new array.
Then, you'd turn the array back into a string, and put it back into the same place in the original array.
Finally, you'd rewrite the original file with the new data.

It's not too hard, but expect it to take a couple of hours to write.
# 3  
Old 09-09-2008
Originally Posted by RJ17
So for instance at 8:00am I might delete the 0 from the first line and add a 10 at the end.
sed -e '1s/^[^,]*,//' -e '1s/$/,10/' file

# 4  
Old 09-10-2008
Thanks for the help. It is possible to add the 10 to the end of the line instead of the beginning. This line of code converts

Ideally the new line would look like this
# 5  
Old 09-10-2008
Here is the output:
#  echo "0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0" | sed -e '1s/^[^,]*,//' -e '1s/$/,10/'

# 6  
Old 09-10-2008
It does work the when I use the echo command on just the one line but when I run it on my entire csv file it shows
125,124,78,62,97,87,145,70,87,119,150,124,99,95,41,175,85,58,57,88,142,83,92,102,107,80,45,64,64,94, 89
125,126,78,62,99,87,145,70,87,119,161,124,99,95,41,175,85,58,58,88,142,84,112,103,108,80,68,64,65,98 ,89
189,254,164,153,192,153,230,132,188,163,210,210,167,198,93,235,146,110,97,130,211,107,181,140,151,11 9,105,105,178,126,165
189,324,168,192,194,159,233,132,192,169,244,210,167,201,103,235,147,152,180,181,213,107,192,190,212, 119,119,126,195,126,166
189,324,168,255,194,225,233,141,192,230,244,260,167,201,172,283,181,206,217,216,261,107,192,235,212, 119,169,197,264,189,229

I dont know why this is, but it doesn't make sense to me.
# 7  
Old 09-10-2008
I'm beginning to think that I should spend a bit more time reviewing sed....

I threw the script together in perl - as an exercise for me, mostly. But if you find value in it, great. It's much longer than the line that danmero provided, and I'm sure that there are perl experts that can turn my code into a "one-liner"...

My script has two inputs <line number> and <new value> - as well as a debug or help flag:
-bash-3.00$ ./parse.pl -l 5 -v 300
-bash-3.00$ ./parse.pl -d -l 5 -v 300

And here's the code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Pragma
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw/ %opt /;

# Forward declaration of subroutines
sub do_init();

# Variable declaration
my $input = "./file";
my $output = "./file.output";
my @entireList;
my $entireList;
my $listLineNumber;
my @oneLine;
my $newLine;
my $line;
my $DEBUG;

# You don't need to get your command line variables this way
#   - it's a habit that I got into, and it works for me - your mileage may vary

# set DEBUG flag according to command line options
if ( $opt{d} )
   $DEBUG = 1;
   $DEBUG = 0;

# Begin the MAIN portion of the script

# Open your input file and place the contents into the array @entireList
# - each line is a separate element in the array
open(FILE, "<$input") or die "Cannot open $input for read :$!";
chomp (@entireList = <FILE>);
close( FILE );

# I haven't really added any error checking for the options. If you don't
# assign a line item or value, the script will still run - it won't substitute
# unless you provide -l <linenumber> AND -v <value>

if ( $opt{l} && $opt{v} )
   $listLineNumber = $opt{l};
   # split string (one line) into a temporary array
   print "input:\n $entireList[$listLineNumber]\n" if $DEBUG;
   @oneLine = split(/,/, $entireList[$listLineNumber]);
   shift @oneLine;
   push @oneLine, $opt{v};
   # put array back into a string - and back into the original array
   $entireList[$listLineNumber] = join(",",@oneLine);
   print "output:\n $entireList[$listLineNumber]\n" if $DEBUG;

# Write the file - here I have it writing to a new file - you can have it
# overwrite the original file if you prefer - simply change the variable
# declaration at the top for $output to match $input - or change the code
# below to use $input instead of $output. I recommend changing this in the
# variable declaration - so that you can reuse the script later
open(FILE2, ">$output") or die "Cannot open $output for read :$!";
foreach $line(@entireList)
   print FILE2 "$line\n";
close( FILE2 );

# Standard handling message - maybe too much for simple utilities - oh well... #
sub do_init()
   my $opt_string = 'dhl:v:';
   getopts( "$opt_string", \%opt ) or do_usage();
   do_usage() if $opt{h};
sub do_usage()
   print "\nusage: $0 [-h] [-l {line number}] [-n {new value}]\n\n";

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