Opening Perl

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# 1  
Old 08-24-2002
Opening Perl

I have gone to /usr/bin/ and click on perl but notting happens.also notting happens when i click on c/c++ or any other program

whats wrong ?
# 2  
Old 08-24-2002
Re: Opening Perl

Originally posted by perleo
I have gone to /usr/bin/ and click on perl but notting happens.also notting happens when i click on c/c++ or any other program

whats wrong ?
Perl is an interpretted language so you must have a program to feed it for it to work correctly. If you are running perl, it should open up a window and await input.

For tutorials on learning perl, perform a Google search and you should get a whole bunch. The same goes for C/C++.

What compiler are you using for C/C++? Probably gcc or g++ (g++ is a link to gcc with some flags set for C++). gcc is different. It requires source code to begin with to compile into an executable.
# 3  
Old 08-26-2002

Please refer to my other post in your other thread, where you asked about perl and everything else.

at this stage in the game a beginners book to unix would be your best friend. I think you would find it well worth your time and sanity if you started at your local book store.

(but then again I offten think if your just another troll. every board has them)
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