Need rm script help ASAP

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# 1  
Old 08-20-2002
Need rm script help ASAP

I need your expertise anyone. I'm trying to remove part of a id # in a script. Reason, the part of the id is a underscore that is making my life impossible. I simply cannot handle all the requests and modify every single one in vi or edt. So I wanted to modify the script..

For example _1234567.RP

How would I remove just the "underscore" and nothing else ?

How would I then let it account for the rest of the 7 digits and the extension ?

# 2  
Old 08-20-2002
Well in ksh (why do people NEVER reveal which language they are using?) it is easy:
#! /usr/bin/ksh
echo $y
exit 0

# 3  
Old 08-20-2002
Hi Perderabo,

Could you pl explain what do # and ? after x do.

# 4  
Old 08-20-2002
The # says to remove a leading pattern. The ? is a pattern that matches a single character. Put them together and you are stripping off the first character.
# 5  
Old 08-20-2002
Are the PartNumbers's in the script file or in a seperate flat ASCII file?

A quick perl script could be generated to go through the script line-by-line and remove the leading underscore by pattern.

If the PartNumbers are in a seperate flat ASCII file, sed would probably be a quick solution.
# 6  
Old 08-20-2002
Originally posted by Perderabo
Well in ksh (why do people NEVER reveal which language they are using?) it is easy:
#! /usr/bin/ksh
echo $y
exit 0

just to expand on his code.
cd path/to/files
for files in `ls`;do
     for lines in `cat $files`;do
          echo $y >> new.file

or in sed

sed 's/^_//g' * >> contents_of_all_files_in_current_directory.txt
# 7  
Old 08-23-2002
Posix shell. sorry.. /sh

thanks for the help..
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