Need rm script help ASAP

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need rm script help ASAP
# 8  
Old 08-23-2002
would this have also worked ?

would this have worked maybe ?

#! /usr/bin/sh

[ "$X"="_"]
echo "_1234567.RP to be fixed"

rm *_*1234567.RP


Your input would be greatly appreciated once again..

# 9  
Old 08-23-2002
why dont you try it and let us know if it worked.

with that kind of response it sounds as if you did not try anything befor you posted, and your just looking for an answer.
# 10  
Old 08-23-2002
it did not work.. it is missing something. I guess I asked incorrectly. I'll remember to ask appropriately so people like you don't get upset.
# 11  
Old 08-24-2002

Yet another way to truncate leading "_"


result=`echo "_1234567.RP" | tr -d "_"`
echo $result

Thanks & Regards
Suresh Kumar S.M.
# 12  
Old 08-24-2002
simon2000, the solution that you posted seems so far off the mark that I'm really sure what to say about it. First, out of the blue you are testing the value of a variable called X. Where did X did it's value? And that rm command throws me. Why are we deleting files? At this point I'm not really sure that I understand what problem you are trying to solve.
# 13  
Old 08-27-2002
Perderabo - Thanks for the help. I was attempting to remove an underscore that's all. I thought the "rm" was the way to go. But actually the tr -d _ appears to be the most logical way to go.

sorry to put you and the others through so much trouble.

back to working on my scripting..

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