I want to build a script

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# 1  
Old 06-28-2002
I want to build a script

I have file which has "A" character in more than 1000 lines and I want replace this "A" with "f". There is also "A" which I don't want to replace at the last line.

Currently, I use this script to replace them one by one


# 2  
Old 06-28-2002
sed -e '$q' -e 's/A/f/g' < inputfile > outfile
# 3  
Old 07-01-2002
Re: I want to build a script

hi buddy

use the following

:<line1>,<line2> s/A/f/g

here line1 tells from where you want the change to take place and line2 tells u till where u want this change.
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