Problem with script not able to take parameters passed to it

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Problem with script not able to take parameters passed to it
# 1  
Old 02-28-2008
Problem with script not able to take parameters passed to it

export NUM_OF_MKTS=$1
export subj=$2

if [ $2 = 'sub' ]; then
export RUNDTFILE=et_run_sts.txt
export TBLNAME=sub_audt
elif [ $2 = 'acct' ]; then
export RUNDTFILE=con_et_run_sts.txt
export TBLNAME=acct_audt
run time paramters: concat_files.ksh 1 act
debug output:

+ export NUM_OF_MKTS=x
+ export subj=
# 2  
Old 02-28-2008
should the parameters be - 1 acct - not 1 act
# 3  
Old 02-28-2008
it should be
1 acct
but still the same problem.
# 4  
Old 02-28-2008
When I run it, I'm getting the variables set without any issues.

I put at bottom of script, and it looks to be working as expected.
print $NUM_OF_MKTS $subj

curious why you're setting "export subj=$2" and then not using it??
you could change your if statement to "if [ $subj = 'sub' ]"
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