bash: "undefined variable" and pipe

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# 1  
Old 02-18-2008
bash: "undefined variable" and pipe

haven't found anything about this through searching, so may be a new topic:
when doing this:

set -o nounset
set -o errexit
find . -name "*.lib" | while read library; do
echo ${libary}
echo "after while"

I expect the script to exit within the while loop (because of nounset and the typo libary!=library). Actually, the script continues, probably because the pipe is executed in a subshell. But shouldn't the undefined variable error propagate up to the calling shell and trigger a non-zero exit?
Is there an option or way to force this?
Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 02-18-2008

$ trap "echo I\'m out..." exit
$ set -o nounset -o errexit
$ find ./t -name "*.lib"|while read library; do echo $libary; done
bash: libary: unbound variable
$ while read library; do echo $libary; done< <(find ./t -name "*.lib")
bash: libary: unbound variable
I'm out...

# 3  
Old 02-18-2008
Thanks for your answer, radoulov, but I'm not sure that's the solution, because the trap doesn't catch within the pipe, only when the script ends:

my script is called "b":
trap "echo I\'m out..." exit
set -o nounset -o errexit
find ./t -name "*.lib"|while read library; do echo $libary; done
echo the end

$ sh b
b: line 3: libary: unbound variable
the end
I'm out...

Anyway this would trap *all* exits, the good ones as well as the bad ones, which is not what I'm after. I want the script "b" to exit with a non-zero return value as soon as it's encountering the unbound variable, even befor the while loop is completed.
# 4  
Old 02-18-2008
The trap was only for the visual effect
the point was the process subsitution,
consider this:

% cat s
#!/bin/bash -ue

find ./t -name "*.lib"|while read library;do
  echo $libary

echo after the first loop # you'll see it

while read library;do
  echo $libary
done< <(find ./t -name "*.lib")

echo after the second one # you won't see it

ubuntux% ./s
./s: line 4: libary: unbound variable
after the first loop
./s: line 10: libary: unbound variable

# 5  
Old 02-18-2008

Try this script. This may help you.
set -o nounset
#set -o errexit
find . -name "*.txt" | while read library; do
echo ${libary}
RC=$?  #return status of the previous command
if [ $RC -ne 0 ]
echo "after while"

# 6  
Old 02-18-2008
Thanks chella, but your example only warns when you expect an error. My point was that an unsuspected "unbound variable" could get unnoticed.

radoulov, that works. I got a bit confused by the different behaviours of "./s" and "sh s" (the latter gives a syntax error).
Although, as I said, I was looking more for a setting that would raise an error with the existing code, rather than using a different construct, because when I know where to look, I can check unbound variables easily by hand.
Anyway, it probably is a feature in bash (not a bug) so I just have to be watchful.

Thank you very much again!
# 7  
Old 02-18-2008
Originally Posted by nagaidhlig
Thanks chella, but your example only warns when you expect an error. My point was that an unsuspected "unbound variable" could get unnoticed.

radoulov, that works. I got a bit confused by the different behaviours of "./s" and "sh s" (the latter gives a syntax error).
Although, as I said, I was looking more for a setting that would raise an error with the existing code, rather than using a different construct, because when I know where to look, I can check unbound variables easily by hand.
Anyway, it probably is a feature in bash (not a bug) so I just have to be watchful.
I think you should understand the difference between sh command and
(in the first case the shebang is only a comment):
Try changing the script like this:

% cat s
#!/bin/bash -ue
find ./t -name "*.lib"|while read correct;do
  echo $wrong
  echo $correct

echo after the loop

% ./s
./s: line 3: wrong: unbound variable
% sh s

after the loop
% sh -ue s
s: 5: wrong: parameter not set

Consider this:

% cat s
#!/bin/bash -ue

find ./t -name "*.lib"|while read correct;do
  echo $wrong
  echo $correct

echo after the loop

% sh s

after the loop
% sh -uevx s
#!/bin/bash -ue

find ./t -name "*.lib"|while read correct;do
  echo $wrong
  echo $correct
+ find ./t -name *.lib
+ read correct
s: 1: wrong: parameter not set

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