Shell Programming and Scripting

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# 1  
Old 02-13-2008
Shell Programming and Scripting


Iam using grep command as follows in my script

cat file1.txt | while read line
grep $line file2.txt >> out.txt

This way the performance is very slow. We are having lacks of records in file1 and file2

how can i improve the performance.
# 2  
Old 02-13-2008
You can use the '-f' feature of the grep command to do this. I don't know how much faster it will be.

For example, if you have files named file1.txt and file2.txt (as in your example), then

grep -f file1.txt file2.txt >> out.txt

should do the job. Note that each line is a pattern.
# 3  
Old 02-13-2008
No this command is not working.

what is pattern. hope my file is not a pattern
# 4  
Old 02-13-2008
Originally Posted by nivas

Iam using grep command as follows in my script

cat file1.txt | while read line
grep $line file2.txt >> out.txt

This way the performance is very slow. We are having lacks of records in file1 and file2

how can i improve the performance.
I'm not going to write the code for you, but what I think you want is to take advantage of "egrep" (or "grep -E" if gnu).

For example,

grep -E "one|two|three" yourfile

will find any of "one" "two" or "three" in "yourfile"

By the way, GNU grep has a lot of neat stuff: grep in depth
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