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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting unix-oracle
# 1  
Old 02-11-2008

Hallo Friends,

My script looks like this:

set -x
# Name:
# statistics.ksh
# Details:
# Performs a series of queries on the database to analyse application performance;
# reports on backlog of data files. Produces a report for e-mailing to recipients.
# Crontab (non-interactive) invocation.
# Usage:
# To compile a number of statistics for MTN and for the SP's
# Author:
# Paxley Kekana
# Revision History:
# Date Author Details
# 300108 PK First version
# 300108 PK Added ORACLE_SERVER_SID to accomodate SID and
# alias differences

# Set the ORACLE_SID to ORACLE_SERVER_SID and run script

#Scripts are starting to run#
cd /minotaur/Scripts/stats

/usr/bin/cat <<EOF | $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s /@${ORACLE_SID}


When i run this script via cron i get the output below from sys mail:

$ mail
Mail [5.2 UCB] [AIX 5.X] Type ? for help.
"/var/spool/mail/minotaur": 1 message 1 new
>N 1 daemon Mon Feb 11 13:44 36/1148 "Output from cron job /mino"
? 1
Message 1:
From daemon Mon Feb 11 13:44:00 2008
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:44:00 +0200
From: daemon
To: minotaur
Subject: Output from cron job /minotaur/Scripts/stats/mtn_statistics.ksh, minotaur@mtnx55, exit status 0

Cron Environment:

Your "cron" job executed on mtnx55 on Mon Feb 11 13:44:00 USAST 200

produced the following output:

+ export ORACLE_SID=
+ cd /minotaur/Scripts/stats
+ /bin/sqlplus -s /@
+ /usr/bin/cat
+ 0< /tmp/sh1384776.2
/minotaur/Scripts/stats/mtn_statistics.ksh[37]: /bin/sqlplus: not found.
+ cd ../../Log/stats

cron: The previous message is the standard output
and standard error of one of the cron commands.

? q
Saved 1 message in /home/minotaur/mbox

Can you guys please help me solve these error?

# 2  
Old 02-11-2008

Hallo guys,

This is important please.
# 3  
Old 02-11-2008
Edit: you need to set the ORACLE_HOME variable before executing the script ...
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