To Compare content of one file with other file

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# 1  
Old 02-11-2008
To Compare content of one file with other file

Hi All,
I need to compare the content of one file with the other.The first file holds the records:
aaa ,123

Second file willl holds the record

My problem is i need to take the first column of file one and compare with the first row of second file.If it matches i need to update a success message or i need to send failure message.

Kindly help me in sort out this issue.

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 02-11-2008
use "awk '{print $1}' file-name > temp1.diff" - this will print the first column, then do the same for the second file, output in a different file, diff the files, on success print OK or send mail with proper message, opposite for failure.
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