Need Script to Validate and Add more users one time

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need Script to Validate and Add more users one time
# 1  
Old 02-09-2008
Need Script to Validate and Add more users one time

I need a script to validate and add more than one user at one time
Field 1 - FirstName LastName Field 2 - userid Field 3 - email address Field 4 - department

Validation for Field 1
  • No special characters
  • No Numerbers
if name contains @ must change character to 'alias'

Validation for Field 2
  • Must be alpha numeric
  • No Special characters except "underscore"

Validation for Field 3
as per normal email validation

Validation for Field 4
  • Can be anything, alpha numeric except special characters

SmilieSmilieCan any one help me ?SmilieSmilie
# 2  
Old 02-09-2008
There is no way to help you with such extremely vague requirements. You may as well ask:

build me a widget and make it out of some watchamacallit
What language are you needing the script written in? Add users to what? Is the input from the command line or from files or from a CGI form or a database or the planet Venus?
# 3  
Old 02-09-2008

Sorry Kevin,

I am going to use this in solaris. any shell can be used.

i have given an csv file with new users names to add.

the content of users.csv

jack dsouza,jackd123,,it operations
upto 6000 lines

i need to validate the file, if the names or userids or email is not according to the format then it has to be written to a new file

It will be better if i get a separate script to validate csv file with contents like above and another separate script to mass user add.

Please advice
# 4  
Old 02-10-2008
Validating an email address is not easy but at least we know the format of an email address and what would be valid and what would be invalid. Validating a name, an id, and a department are not standard types of data so you will need to define exactly what those fields should contain to be considered valid and what they should not contain to be considered invalid. The actual script should be very straight forward once you establish what the criteria is for validating the data.
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