get a part from a $var in perl

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting get a part from a $var in perl
# 8  
Old 02-07-2008
this is the way it returns the filenames...


can you explain me what does these two do?
tr/ ://d;
# 9  
Old 02-07-2008
when i read the name of the file from this filename list .. i need to check the directory and see if all the files are present or not... how is this possible??
# 10  
Old 02-07-2008
Originally Posted by meghana
this is the way it returns the filenames...


can you explain me what does these two do?
tr/ ://d;
oops... I forgot you just wanted the filename. Try this instead of all previous suggestions:

my @array;
open (FH, 'yourfile') or die "$!";
   if (m#/(\S+)\s*\d*$#) {
      push @array, $1;
close FH;
print "$_\n" for @array;

tr/://d; <-- removes all colons from the lines
(split(/s\s+/))[-2] <-- splits the line on spaces and returns the second to last field. It is called an array slice.
# 11  
Old 02-07-2008
Originally Posted by meghana
when i read the name of the file from this filename list .. i need to check the directory and see if all the files are present or not... how is this possible??
Please clarify, with some sample data if possible, what you need to do.
# 12  
Old 02-07-2008
hey kevin.. thanks for your quickie replies.. appreciate it.. i figured out the filename im fine.. thanks again!
# 13  
Old 02-07-2008
You're welcome.
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