Removing Headers and a Column

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# 29  
Old 02-01-2008
That put >>> next to each line where column 4 is the only thing, however it still left the text there. Other than that it is working fine. It is marking >>> on completely blank lines as well though.

Thanks again
# 30  
Old 02-01-2008
We need to check the length of the lines that only include column 4, do this:

   else {
      # not sure what this might print if anything.
      # prefixed lines with '>>>' just to mark them for now	
      # to see if this condition is ever evaluated.
      my $n = length($_):
      print "length = $n: [$_]";

report back with the results. See whats inside the square brackets: [$_] there may be spaces at the end that need to be taken into account.
# 31  
Old 02-01-2008
Or this may work:

use strict;
use warnings;

while (<>) {
   # header lines
   if ($. < 7) {
      print; # comment out this line to delete header lines
   # print the totals, assumes they are at the end
   if (/^Organisation Totals/) {
      print <>;
   # remove 4th column
   if (/^(.{58}).{27}(.+)$/) {
      print "$1$2\n";
   # remove 4th column when its the only thing
   elsif (/^\s{58}).{1-27}\s*$/) {
      print "$1\n";
   else {
      # not sure what this might print if anything.
      # prefixed lines with '>>>' just to mark them for now	
      # to see if this condition is ever evaluated.
      print ">>>$_";

this explicitly checks for 58 spaces at the beginning then 1 to 27 charcaters (4th column) and then zero or more spaces. Run it and see if the >>> marker appears or if does what you need.
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