This is the script for the cold backup that we get from mycat every time it goes down and up again.
It's a huge email that we get and all within the body.
Here is the dilemma;
I would like to capture just the “”successful start up of the luminis app.””
I don't know if I need to do an “if statement “ or just get rid of the | tee -a $LOGFILE.
This back up script is running out of a cronjob once a week for the cold backup.
So what I was thinking was to take out all of the | tee -a $LOGFILE statements except for the last statement for the starting of luminis,
that way it would solve me getting the email on the body filled with the whole process as you can see in the script bellow. Once a week I get this huge email.
I want it to make sure that the backup happens, the logs get written, but that the email that I get only shows whether the startup of the application called luminis has started or failed. So what to do?
See the script bellow;;;;;
# shutdown luminis
/etc/init.d/luminis stop
echo "[`date`] CP Shutdown status = $STATUS" | tee -a $LOGFILE
sleep 60
echo 'Starting Luminis Backup Process...'
#change the backup directory from what's setup in .cprc for the cold backups.
LOGFILE=$LUMINIS_BACKUPS/luminis_cold_backup`date +%y%m%d`.log
TARFILE=$LUMINIS_BACKUPS/luminis_cold_backup`date +%y%m%d`.tar
# Start Backup
echo 'TIMESTAMP: '`date` | tee -a $LOGFILE
# Backup CP_ROOT directory
echo 'Backing up luminis (CP_ROOT) directory...' | tee -a $LOGFILE
cd /opt
tar -cvf $TARFILE luminis | tee -a $LOGFILE
# Compress tar file
echo 'Compressing tar file' | tee -a $LOGFILE
gzip -vf $TARFILE | tee -a $LOGFILE
find $LUMINIS_BACKUPS -mtime +31 -type f -exec rm \{\} \;
# startup luminis
/etc/init.d/luminis start
echo 'TIMESTAMP: '`date` | tee -a $LOGFILE