print a function result in new file

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Old 12-31-2007
print a function result in new file


i have a function which return a variable .

serach ( paramatere) when i excute this function i get the result in the shell,

i want to print this result in a file by calling just the function.

how can i do it..

the code example is like that:

search ( )

the call must be done in the new file :

awk -F "," '{ {first=$1; sec=$2; tro=$3;quat=$4 }
if (tro == "")

$3 = search ( )

{print $1","$2","","$4} }
{print $1","$2","$3 $4}}' $file1 > $file2

i print the four variable in file1 delimitated by comma and i want to affect the result of function search to the variable $3?

when i write like that i don't have a result.
how can i do
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PDL2(1p)						User Contributed Perl Documentation						  PDL2(1p)

pdl2 - Simple shell (version 2) for PDL SYNOPSIS
Use PDL interactively: %> pdl2 pdl> $a = sequence(10) # or any other perl or PDL command pdl> print "$a = $a "; $a = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] DESCRIPTION
The "pdl2" program, also known as the Perldl2 shell, is a second generation version of the original "perldl" interactive PDL shell. It attempts to be backward compatible in usage while providing improved features, better support for Perl syntax, and an more easily extended framework based on the Devel::REPL shell. If you have Devel::REPL version 1.003011 or later, then "pdl2" will start with full functionality. If Devel::REPL is not installed or found then "pdl2" will print a warning and run the legacy "perldl" shell command instead. By default, command lines beginning with the default prompt of either "pdl2" or "perldl" (one of 'pdl> ', 'PDL> ', or 'perldl> ') will have the prefix string and surrounding whitespace stripped. This allows for easy cut-and-paste from sample PDL shell sessions or other examples into another PDL shell session. FUNCTIONS
do_print Toggle print-by-default on and off (default value: off) By default, "pdl2" does not print the results of operations since the results can be very large (e.g., a small 640x480 RGBA image is still more than 1_000_000 elements). However, for experimenting and debugging more complex structures, it helps to see the results of every operation. The "do_print" routine allows you to toggle between the default "quiet" operation and a full Read, Evaluate, Loop style. pdl> $a = pdl(3,2) pdl> do_print 1 pdl> $a = pdl(3,2) $PDL1 = [3 2]; pdl> do_print pdl> $a = pdl(3,2) VARIABLES
$PDL::toolongtoprint The maximal size pdls to print (defaults to 10000 elements). This is not just a "perldl" or "pdl2" variable but it is something that is usually needed in an interactive debugging session. SEE ALSO
perldl, Devel::REPL perl v5.14.2 2012-05-19 PDL2(1p)