matching repeated character

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting matching repeated character
# 1  
Old 12-13-2007
matching repeated character

looking for a bit of help with sed.

I have a file that looks a bit like this:
adsfv bdhgn
sfgh3333gs vdf

I need to match any line that has a any character repeated more three or more times in a row.

so i need output like this:
sfgh3333gs vdf

# 2  
Old 12-13-2007

I would do that in C, I'm sure plenty would do that in AWK.
# 3  
Old 12-13-2007
awk or sed is fine, i don't want to get in to C for this job.
# 4  
Old 12-13-2007
sed -n 's/\(.\)\1\1/&/p' myFile

# 5  
Old 12-13-2007
Originally Posted by vgersh99
sed -n 's/\(.\)\1\1/&/p' myFile

dude you rock!!

# 6  
Old 12-13-2007
Originally Posted by vgersh99
sed -n 's/\(.\)\1\1/&/p' myFile

or even:

grep '\(.\)\1\1'

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