Korn Shell and Perl Administrative Script

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Old 12-13-2007
Korn Shell and Perl Administrative Script

I have this script that I want to be able to scan a list of IP address from a file (namlist and snifflist)and Hostnames of network devices to see if they are alive or down and if telnet port 23 is open. I originally started to write this in Korn Shell and ran into some issue trying to closed a telnet probe. So I was told to try Perl which I know nothing of and I am a very basic programmer with no backround in programming as well. Here is my script:

PHP Code:


echo       Daily Sniffer and NAMs Scan as of - `date` >> $OUT 
echo     >> $OUT 
echo       There is a 8 sec timeout of devices  >> $OUT 

echo >>$OUT 
exec 2

" %-15.20s %-8s %-6s \n" NAM Status Telnet >> $NAMFILE 

echo " ===============================" >>$NAMFILE 
for NAM in $(<namlist

if ping $NAM 5 >/dev/null 2>&
=$(perl -e  'use IO::Socket; print new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "'$SNIFFERS'", PeerPort => "23", Timeout => 5 
 ) ? "open\n" : "closed\n";'

# sleep 15 
if ps awk '{print $1}' grep $READPID 2>/dev/null 
kill $READPID 
" %-15.20s %-8s %-6s \n" $NAM $Status $Telnet >> $NAMFILE 
printf " %-15.20s %-8s %-6s \n" $NAM $Status $Telnet >> $NAMFILE 


echo >> $SNIFFILE 

" %-15.20s %-15.20s %-8s %-6s \n" SNIFFERS IP_Address Status Telnet >> $SNIFFILE 

echo " ===============================================" >> $SNIFFILE 

for SNIFFERS in $(<snifflist

TRUNCSNIF=$(echo $SNIFFERS awk -F'.' '{for (i=1;i<=NF-2;i++) {if (i<NF-2) printf $i"."; else print $i}}'
if ping $SNIFFERS 5 >/dev/null 2>&
=$(perl -e  'use IO::Socket; print new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "'$SNIFFERS'", PeerPort => "23", Timeout =>5 
) ? "open\n" : "closed\n";'

sleep 15 
if ps awk '{print $1}' grep $READPID 2>/dev/null 
kill $READPID 

="$(nslookup $SNIFFERS | tail -3 | grep '^Address:' | awk '{print $2}')" 
[[ -"$IP_Address]] && IP_Address="n/a" 
printf " %-15.20s %-15.20s %-8s %-6s \n" $TRUNCSNIF $IP_Address $Status $Telnet >>$SNIFFILE 
IP_Address="$(nslookup $SNIFFERS | tail -2 |head -1 | awk -F: '{print $2}'| sed 's/ //g')" 
[[ -"$IP_Address|| "$IP_Address== "SERVFAIL" ]] && IP_Address="n/a" 
printf " %-15.20s %-15.20s %-8s %-6s \n" $TRUNCSNIF $IP_Address $Status $Telnet >>$SNIFFILE 



>> $OUT 
-s"Daily NAM and Sniffer Report" $MAIL_LIST $OUT 
Here is what I have tested

PHP Code:
bash-3.00perl -e  'use IO::Socket; print new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "''", PeerPort => "23", ) ? "closed\n" : "open\n";' 
and here is the output that it always give me, a closed port when I know that it is open.

PHP Code:
This is the part that I do not understand

PHP Code:
"open\n" "closed\n";

PHP Code:
Telnet=$(perl -e  'use IO::Socket; print new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "'$SNIFFERS'", PeerPort => "23", Timeout =>5   ) ? "open\n" : "closed\n";'
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