need help with awk programming

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting need help with awk programming
# 1  
Old 12-02-2007
need help with awk programming

Hello Friends

I want to process only those lines which are not started with a * or "

example File name:

"RxDataTime, NSysClkEn, Frame","Size","Sleep","TNum","TSet","TWait"
*Init Start
*Comment Generated from: C:\Documents and Settings

In the file I only want to process only the last two lines..
I need a help badly..

Thanks in advance..

Last edited by user_prady; 12-03-2007 at 12:26 AM..
# 2  
Old 12-03-2007
Two methods using grep
grep -v '^\*' filename | grep -v '^\"'

egrep -v '^\*|\"' filename

# 3  
Old 12-03-2007

Originally Posted by jacoden
Two methods using grep
grep -v '^\*' filename | grep -v '^\"'

egrep -v '^\*|\"' filename

Many many thanks for the reply ,,but when I merge it with a gawk or nawk it seems to processing all the lines..

#!/usr/bin/ksh -f

egrep -v '^\*|\"' GRX | 
gawk '
    print $0
} ' GRX

it displays me all the lines in the file..
# 4  
Old 12-03-2007
Originally Posted by user_prady
Many many thanks for the reply ,,but when I merge it with a gawk or nawk it seems to processing all the lines..

#!/usr/bin/ksh -f

egrep -v '^\*|\"' GRX | 
gawk '
    print $0
} ' GRX

it displays me all the lines in the file..

I am not sure what exactly you are looking for. Why gawk/awk is required here?
egrep -v '^\*|\"' GRX should give teh expected result.
Is my understanding correct?
# 5  
Old 12-03-2007


Follow code can filter out all your desired lines. Just put all your logic in the pring section, then it will only deal with those lines.


awk '$0 !~ /^"/ && $0 !~ /^\*/{
}' filename

# 6  
Old 12-03-2007
Originally Posted by summer_cherry

Follow code can filter out all your desired lines. Just put all your logic in the pring section, then it will only deal with those lines.


awk '$0 !~ /^"/ && $0 !~ /^\*/{
}' filename

First of all I want to applogize if I explained wrongly..

Thank you very much for the code ,, That exact code I needed..
Hats of to you brilliants..

Now I m merging that with my code..

Hope your kindness remain the same always..


Again I m facing some problem with implementing function in it ..

gawk '
$0 !~ /^"/ && $0 !~ /^\*/{
print ...
function my_function(){}
}' filename

Please help ....

Last edited by user_prady; 12-03-2007 at 02:15 AM..
# 7  
Old 12-03-2007
[QUOTE=user_prady;302148573]First of all I want to applogize if I explained wrongly..

Thank you very much for the code ,, That exact code I needed..
Hats of to you brilliants..

Now I m merging that with my code..

Hope your kindness remain the same always..


Again I m facing some problem with implementing function in it ..

gawk '
$0 !~ /^"/ && $0 !~ /^\*/{
print ...
function my_function(){}
}' filename

Please help ....
Is it not possible to define my own function ??

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