How to get only matched contents?

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# 1  
Old 11-13-2007
How to get only matched contents?


I have an array.


$tofind="rrr";#string to find.

I want to match this string and retrieve only matched contents.

In this case rrr is found in 2nd position in an array i want to print only rrr.

If the string is matched i have to retrieve only the contents that is matched.

How do i do that in perl without using awk or sed?

with regards
# 2  
Old 11-13-2007
with perl :
# define array 
@tools = ("hammer", "chisel", "screwdriver", "boltcutter", "tape", "punch", "pliers"); 
# search for pattern "er" in array elements 
@match = grep (/er/i, @tools); 
# print matching elements 
# returns "hammer screwdriver boltcutter pliers" 
print "@match ";

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