Anyways to find sentences with data format and extract it???

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Anyways to find sentences with data format and extract it???
# 1  
Old 10-30-2007
Anyways to find sentences with data format and extract it???

Hi guys,i got this problem which is..i need to find those sentences with date inside and extract them out,the input is somehow like this

$DATA42.GANTRY2.GA161147 DISKFILE 2007-10-16 11:56:45 SUPER.OPR \NETS.$Y4CB.#IN

Report date range........: 2007-08-01 00:00 to 2007-08-01 23:59
Subject System...........: *
Subject Userid...........: *.*
Subject Login Name.......: *
Subject Terminal.........: *
Operation................: *

so what i need is the one with the date format (yyyy/mm/dd):
$DATA42.GANTRY2.GA161147 DISKFILE 2007-10-16

this line will be printed..can this be done using sed or awk????
# 2  
Old 10-30-2007
chck if this is what you want:
grep '[[:digit:]]\{4\}-[[:digit:]]\{2\}-[[:digit:]]\{2\}' filename

# 3  
Old 10-30-2007
Hi Yoguesh,well can this be done by awk or sed?i only got this two program..thanks alot!
# 4  
Old 10-30-2007
GNU awk
awk --re-interval  '
/[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{1,2}-[[:digit:]]{1,2}/ && !/Report/{print}' file

$DATA42.GANTRY2.GA161147 DISKFILE 2007-10-16 11:56:45 SUPER.OPR \NETS.$Y4CB.#IN

i leave it to you to remove the part starting from the time till the end. give it a try
# 5  
Old 10-31-2007
Hi ghostdog,ya i managed to get the 2007-10-16 11:56:45 SUPER.OPR by using the following code

awk "/\$DATA.*DISKFILE/{print $3,$4,$5}" zyx.txt>zzz1.txt

Thanks alot for your help!!will need some more soon
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