Newbie Question: passing a variable into java from script?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Newbie Question: passing a variable into java from script?
# 1  
Old 10-18-2007
Newbie Question: passing a variable into java from script?

I'm currently working on my second ever ksh script!
So I apologize if this is a stupid question - I've searched the forum and on google and haven't seen anything Smilie

I'm running my script with an input at startup
that variable determines a couple of other values(int) that I store into an array.
Now I need to call my java app and pass the array to it - how do I do that?
Or is it not possible?

Like I said I haven't worked with UNIX at all and used to be pretty good at JAVA but haven't used it in a while
Thanks in advance for any assistance or direction on where to look for answers.
# 2  
Old 10-18-2007
The main ways of getting data into a Java program are...

(a) command line arguments
(b) stdin to the process
(c) environment variables
(d) in a file
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