how to make ABC into "ABC" ina file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting how to make ABC into "ABC" ina file
# 8  
Old 10-10-2007
Originally Posted by springs
same thing i wanted to try using file
but it is not working
this works
if follows wht cherry have written
sed 's/\([a-zA-Z]\{3\}\)/\"&\"/g' <input.text

where urs input.txt contains contents ABC CDF ADF FDG HAA AHH AHA..
# 9  
Old 10-10-2007

I hope the following will give the required output:

echo '"'`sed 's/ /" "/g' ns.txt`'"'

The file ns.txt will have ABC CDF ADF FDG HAA AHH AHA

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