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# 1  
Old 09-28-2007
Tools Program help

I need to write a program using sed and awk and am new to this unix stuff. So if anyone can give me any pointers that would be great. Here is what I need to do. # 7 I can do.

1. Accept two and only two command line arguments
2. These will be the names of two directories
3. Make sure sending directory exists and is a directory
4. make sure receiving directory exists and if not create it.
5. copy files that only have a suffix of .log and are not empty
6. When copying files change suffix of filenames from .log to .abc
7. Display count of number of files copied.
8. Log files will contain 2 columns of data, when you copy switch the order of the columns in the files you create in the receiving directory.

# 2  
Old 09-28-2007
This looks very much like homework. Our forum has a rule - no homework help.
# 3  
Old 09-28-2007
Originally Posted by jim mcnamara
This looks very much like homework. Our forum has a rule - no homework help.
I agree Jim - closed.
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