sed or awk

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting sed or awk
# 1  
Old 09-19-2007
Question sed or awk

Hi all,

Been a long while since I've been here and the changes look great.Smilie

Have a simple task that has been raised due to meeting PCI AND ISO standards. We currently keep a copy of all FTP/SFTP batch scripts just in case we need to view them, they are overwritten with each run, but we still keep them.

These files as a result contain UID's & PWD's. Meeting with the standards, I'd like to include a simple sed or awk statement that replaces each line of the said batch scripts beginning with 'user' to 'user **** ****'. Replacing the UID & PWD.

This would occur immediately after the batch script is used and satisfy our requirement.

Which is easier to use to acomplish this -- sed or awk ??

# 2  
Old 09-19-2007
Hammer & Screwdriver

In my mind sed is better. It is depand on your teaste SmilieSmilieSmilie

Sanjay Tripathi
# 3  
Old 09-19-2007
In that case I would use a Perl structure , ex:
perl -pi -e "s/user/user name/g" script_files*

# 4  
Old 09-19-2007
Originally Posted by Cam Young
Hi all,

Been a long while since I've been here and the changes look great.Smilie
yes, its been a while, your first post is in 2005.

Which is easier to use to acomplish this -- sed or awk ??
from 2005 till now, which one of them are you working more comfortably with? use that.
# 5  
Old 09-19-2007

Many thanks SanjayLinux, Klashxx & ghostdog74 for your replies.

Sanjay - too true - I used to remember using sed many years ago. Just been too long now. Smilie

Klashxx - thanks for the perl example, though my requirement isn't a case of plain substitution; rather replacement of the entire line. Smilie

ghostdog74 - yep a while has past since I first joined the forum. Was surprised I could even remember my UID & PWD for the site. Unfortunately because of my involvement in PCI and ISO work, I've not had much opportunity for sometime or a reason to use sed, let alone look at awk. Smilie

I was able to perform what I wanted to do via the command line, but would like to know how can I contain the following to a single-line command statement ??

$ sed '
> /^user/ c\
> user **** ****
> ' temp.txt

user UID1 PWD1
user UID2 PWD2
user UID3 PWD3
get blah-blah-blah

user **** ****
user **** ****
user **** ****
get blah

Thanks in advance if you are able to assist with my query.

# 6  
Old 09-19-2007
just put everything on a single line?
# 7  
Old 09-20-2007
You'll need to excuse my ignorance, but how you would you format the statement in one line ??
I'd tried a number of variations with no success.
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