Sort/move files into folders and rename existing files.
Hello everyone!
Im having a few problems with my file moving script.
Im trying to move files into folders based on the filenames and if a file already exists rename that file.
The files consists of three sets of different filenames. They will be moved/sorted into the folder structure below. The Source and Destination path will always be static.
Example filenames:
The code below kind of works but there must be a better way to loop through the files than to use two “While do”ť statements.
Another thing I'm having trouble with is if a file already exists, I would like to rename or append something to that existing file. I tried with --backup but all I get is illegal option, most likely due to me testing this on MacOS.
My intension is to run this on my Synology server as an automated task every evening.
When i try to execute the script on the server it complains about the Source path, maybe not correctly formatted? find: `"/volume1/Archive/IMAGES/UPLOAD/TIFF/"': No such file or directory
Last edited by oatfoolery; 03-18-2020 at 08:54 AM..
Hmmm - I don't see /volume1/Archive/IMAGES/UPLOAD/DNG/ referenced anywhere in your script - that error msg can't come from that script. Does the DNG directory exist in the path?
Hmmm - I don't see /volume1/Archive/IMAGES/UPLOAD/DNG/ referenced anywhere in your script - that error msg can't come from that script. Does the DNG directory exist in the path?
Sorry, that was a typo. I used the DNG directory befor, but now only the TIFF and JPEG, still get the same error and they do exist.
--- Post updated at 14:24 ---
Originally Posted by balajesuri
Thanks, i'm pretty new to this, not quite sure i get the hint.
so this would find all files with .jpg and .tif but only from one path. How can i search both SRC1 and SRC2. (find \"$SRC1\" -type f -iname '*.tif' -o -iname '*.jpg' -print0)
Drop the escaped double quotes in find's "starting point". find does allow multiple "starting points", BTW.
Great, thanks! now i don't get any errors, but also the script is not working. Nothing is happening, no error codes.
Obviously i must be missing something.
Again: too many escapes. Drop one of the two back slashes in the read delimiter's -d definition. Same for ALL the escaped double quotes around file and directory names downstream.
Sure your sophisticated regex to analyse $n works reliably? I'd prefer to determine the number length upfront, and then dissect $n.
You might want to provide a default valuein case $DST is undefined, to avoid creating directories in root.
Hey guys,
I have wrote the following script to apply a module named "trinity" on my files. (it takes two input files and spit a trinity.fasta as output)
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -p node
#SBATCH -A <projectID>
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -t 7-00:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=128GB
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL... (1 Reply)
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---------- Post updated at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:42 PM ----------
Ok. Got it.
mv /A/*/ /B/ (1 Reply)
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tar -Pczf ARCH/${arc_date}.tgz $LOG/*.log $REYE/CEP/FiAdapter/Audit.${arc_date}.csv
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I want the group of files in each subfolder renamed to their index number (3 digits) in the folder, so:
folder/a.jpg = folder/001.jpg
folder/b.jpg = folder/002.jpg
folder/c.jpg = folder/003.jpg
folder2/1.jpg = folder2/001.jpg
folder2/2.jpg =... (2 Replies)
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$mv fileA-yyyymmdd.dat ./DATA2/fileA-yyyymmdd.dat.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
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