How do we display specific row of an output from bottom given line number?
I pass a number to my script. Passing "1" below.
I wish to use ls -ltr i.e list files in ascending order of time the latest showing at the bottom of the output.
Number 1 should get me the last row of ls -ltr output i.e the latest file.
Passing Number "2" should get me the second last row of the output.
Number "3 would get me the 3rd last row and so forth.
I wish to use only sed for this purpose as it is works smoothy across different flavors of Operating Systems that I have.
ls -ltr | sed -n '$p' gives me the last row whereas ls -ltr | sed -n 3p gives me the third row from top.
I'm not sure how can I give an equation so that based on user input, I could get my sed to display corresponding row of output.
If the user passes 1 then i need the newest latest file.
If the user passes 2 then i wish to display only the newest - 1 file i.e second latest file.
if the user passes 3 then the third latest file.
Thus if the user passes 3 then the below file should be be printed
if the user passes 4 then the below file should be be printed
@Rudic your suggestion does not help get my desired output. Kindly suggest.
@Rudic sorry that was by overlook. With parameter 3 the row returned should be the third row ie.
Likewise when the user passes 4 the 4th latest row should be returned i.e
But, as I shared the output of your suggestion i get a list of rows and not that single particular row corresponding to the argument passed to the script.
@vbe thank you for the points you highlighted however, the parameter is checked by a Jenkins UI tool and my script will only be executed once a number is passed to that script by the user. Thus the argument to my script is certainly an integer.
my requirement is,
consider a file output
cat output
blah sdjfhjkd jsdfhjksdh
sdfs 23423 sdfsdf sdf"sdfsdf"sdfsdf"""""dsf
hellow there
this doesnt look good
et cetc etc
i want to replace a line of line number 4 ("this doesnt look good") with some other line
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