How to make awk command faster for large amount of data?

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# 1  
Old 10-01-2018
How to make awk command faster for large amount of data?

I have nginx web server logs with all requests that were made and I'm filtering them by date and time.
Each line has the following structure:

Code: - [13/Jul/2018:21:51:31 +0000] GET 123.ts HTTP/1.1 (200) 0.000 s 3182 CoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 11_4 like Mac OS X; pt_br)

These text files are all compressed and what I'm currently doing to filter them is:

unpigz -c nginx* | awk '{if($9 == "(200)" && $3 >= "[20/Jun/2018:17:00:00" && $3 <= "[20/Jun/2018:22:00:00") print}'  > 0620-17_22.txt

It's taking too long because I have too much data to be analyzed, so I am trying to find a faster

solution. It could be in awk itself or not. Any help would be appreciate.

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# 2  
Old 10-01-2018
Does it even work the way you've implemented it?
I'd be surprised the way you're comparing dates.......
You need to convert date to the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
This User Gave Thanks to vgersh99 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-02-2018
The GNU Awk User's Guide: Time Functions

Run the file through awk only.

Learn to use awk time functions. In the BEGIN {} function, convert the start date and the end date to epoch seconds (%s format)- a big sequential number -- seconds since Jan 1 1970.
For each line in the file convert the date to "%s" format, then see if the number is >=start and <=finish epoch seconds.
If it is in the date range print the line.

This will be a few lines of awk.

And I think vgersh is correct - I do not see how your command worked correctly.
# 4  
Old 10-02-2018
I must be missing something here. But, since the starting and ending timestamps in the awk code in the sample pipeline are on the same date and the times are in 24 hour format (not 12 hour with AM/PM), I see no reason why there is any need to convert the two string arguments to Seconds since the Epoch values and perform numeric comparisons on those converted Seconds since the Epoch values instead of comparing the input values as strings. Furthermore, performing the string comparisons should be faster than converting to strings to integers and then performing a numeric comparison. However, if the start and end timestamps are on different dates, the comments made by vgersh99 and jim mcnamara are absolutely correct.

I have never heard of the unpigz command used at the head of the pipeline being used and I have no idea how the files matched by the pattern nginx* are named nor how big they are. If there are lots of huge compressed files and unpigz is being used to produce uncompressed text from all of those files to be used as input to awk (or if unpigz is a typo and the intended utility at the start of the pipeline was gunzip -c or, equivalently, zcat) and if part of the name matched by the asterisk in nginx* encodes the dates contained in that file, the way to speed up your pipeline might well be to select a smaller set of files to uncompress instead of trying to speed up the awk code when the slow part of your pipeline may well be the time needed to uncompress unneeded data and to then filter that unneeded data in your awk code.
# 5  
Old 10-02-2018
Originally Posted by Don Cragun
I must be missing something here. But, since the starting and ending timestamps in the awk code in the sample pipeline are on the same date and the times are in 24 hour format (not 12 hour with AM/PM), I see no reason why there is any need to convert the two string arguments to Seconds since the Epoch values and perform numeric comparisons on those converted Seconds since the Epoch values instead of comparing the input values as strings. Furthermore, performing the string comparisons should be faster than converting to strings to integers and then performing a numeric comparison. However, if the start and end timestamps are on different dates, the comments made by vgersh99 and jim mcnamara are absolutely correct.

I have never heard of the unpigz command used at the head of the pipeline being used and I have no idea how the files matched by the pattern nginx* are named nor how big they are. If there are lots of huge compressed files and unpigz is being used to produce uncompressed text from all of those files to be used as input to awk (or if unpigz is a typo and the intended utility at the start of the pipeline was gunzip -c or, equivalently, zcat) and if part of the name matched by the asterisk in nginx* encodes the dates contained in that file, the way to speed up your pipeline might well be to select a smaller set of files to uncompress instead of trying to speed up the awk code when the slow part of your pipeline may well be the time needed to uncompress unneeded data and to then filter that unneeded data in your awk code.

First, like you've said about comparing string should be faster than coverting to time for compare later, it's exactly what I think happens and that's why my code is how it is and it's working just fine. I have one directory per day, and I ran awk in the files of just one day, so I think it works because of that.

pigz is a parallel implementation of gzip, but it's parallel just for compressing files, but it's a little faster than zcat for descompressing because it uses additional threads for reading, writing, and check calculation (I've read this in one answer in stackoverflow but couldn't refer here because I'm new to the forum). So that's why I use it instead of zcat. About selecting files instead of using nginx* that selects all files in the given directory, it's not possible because I can't tell easily what are the content of each file. That's why I thought maybe it would be something I could do with awk to make it a little faster.
# 6  
Old 10-02-2018
How big are your files, how long do they take, and how fast is your disk? If you're hitting throughput limits optimizing your programs won't help one iota. If you're not, however, you can process several files at once for large gains.
This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
# 7  
Old 10-02-2018


mkdir /tmp/$$

let N=0

for FILE in nginx*
        FNAME=$(printf "%04d" "$N") # Filenames like 0001 will sort properly in *
        gunzip < "$FILE" | awk '{...}' > /tmp/$$/$FNAME &

        if [ "$PROC" -ge "$MAXPROC" ]


cat /tmp/$$/* > output
rm /tmp/$$/*
rmdir /tmp/$$

And if you are hitting throughput limits, it will help to put your temp files on a different spindle than your input files.

Last edited by Corona688; 10-02-2018 at 02:41 PM..
These 2 Users Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
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