Create a list of files from alias by script

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# 1  
Old 03-31-2018
Create a list of files from alias by script

Actually I have many pictures with diferent name and size around 2000, I need generate a copy of them from one list of alias. The structure of the list is something like this:


The file between <01> <02> is real, I already have it, all files are inside one folder called pictures, I need generate all alias, so I am trying to make one script like this:

cp /pictures/randomname.png /pictures/alias/Randomname.png
cp /pictures/randomname.png /pictures/alias/RandoMname.png
cp /pictures/randomname.png /pictures/alias/RandOmname.png
cp /pictures/randomname.png /pictures/alias/RandomnamE.png
cp /pictures/fooo.png /pictures/alias/foOo.png
cp /pictures/bear.png /pictures/alias/beaR.png
cp /pictures/bear.png /pictures/alias/bEar.png
cp /pictures/bear.png /pictures/alias/BEar.png
cp /pictures/bear.png /pictures/alias/beAR.png
cp /pictures/bear.png /pictures/alias/bEAR.png
cp /pictures/bear.png /pictures/alias/BEAr.png         <-- can be there are duplicate aliases
cp /pictures/bear.png /pictures/alias/BEAR.png
cp /pictures/bear.png /pictures/alias/BEAr.png         <-- can be there are duplicate aliases

Someone have idea what I can do about? I tought to use awk but till now i made only disasters.
# 2  
Old 03-31-2018
How can the number of aliases be determined? Why zero aliases for test.png?

Please show some of your "disasters" for discussion.
This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
# 3  
Old 03-31-2018
Originally Posted by RudiC
How can the number of aliases be determined? Why zero aliases for test.png?

Please show some of your "disasters" for discussion.
The list is made from one service of television, the pictures are the symbols of the tv channels, so if one channel is popular can be have some alias with better or lower quality of resolution, but can be also some alias are removed if the cannel become less popular.
If the channel is not popular, can be there are not aliases, like channels repropose the show of the day before.
Sometime also happens event, like footbal match or maybe reality show, so can be there are new random channels temporary.
I have no way to know the exact number of aliases, everytime I recive the list can be totally different.
So I tried to do something using the tags <01> and <02> because anyway <01> is one channel and between <02> and <01> there are the aliases, but is not working :P

awk -vlines=$(cat /pictures/alias_list.txt | wc -l) -vsource="/pictures/" -vtarget="/pictures/alias/" '/<02>/{getline;while($0 !~ /<01>/){print "cp " source SOURCE OFS target $0;if(NR==lines){exit};getline}} /<01>/{getline;SOURCE=$0;next}' /pictures/alias_list.txt > /pictures/alias.txt

Telling the truth I tried to copy one example I found online but I made only disasters :P :P

Thinking now probably I need add with my and the tag <01> at the end of the list... Mmmmm..... I am so confuse.
# 4  
Old 03-31-2018
Not sure I understand, but does this help:
for i in {1..10}; do P=$(( RANDOM * (${#FN} - 4) / 32768 )); T=${FN:P:1} ; echo ${FN:0:P}${T^}${FN:P+1}; done

Use this randomly generated name for the copy operation.
This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
# 5  
Old 03-31-2018
Originally Posted by RudiC
Not sure I understand, but does this help:
for i in {1..10}; do P=$(( RANDOM * (${#FN} - 4) / 32768 )); T=${FN:P:1} ; echo ${FN:0:P}${T^}${FN:P+1}; done

Use this randomly generated name for the copy operation.

Mmmmm... No I think am not clear to explain, I try again making one example better

I recive one list of pictures like this, this is one TXT file

CBS HD.png
CBS SD.png
CBS HD +1.png

<01>Disney Channel.png<02>
FOX HD.png
Fox +1 HD.png
Fox +2 HD.png
The list Is long like 2000 channels, the channels are inside the tags <01><02>

I recive also una usb key with the pictures I wrote with the blue color

So I have the foldre /pictures/ with inside the files

Disney Channel.png
plus other 2000 files.

I need create the files I wrote in orange color, so in my mind I want make one file .sh to execute and duplicate the files blue to the files orange. I want make one file like this

cp /pictures/
CBS.png /pictures/alias/cbs.png
cp /pictures/CBS.png /pictures/alias/CBS HD.png
cp /pictures/CBS.png /pictures/alias/CBS SD.png
cp /pictures/CBS.png /pictures/alias/CBS HD +1.png
cp /pictures/Disney Channel.png /pictures/alias/DISNEY CHANNEL.png
cp /pictures/Disney Channel.png /pictures/alias/DISNEY CHANNEL HD.png
cp /pictures/Fox.png /pictures/alias/FOX.png
cp /pictures/Fox.png /pictures/alias/FoX.png
cp /pictures/Fox.png /pictures/alias/FOX HD.png
cp /pictures/Fox.png /pictures/alias/FOX FHD.png
cp /pictures/Fox.png /pictures/alias/FOX FHD.png
cp /pictures/Fox.png /pictures/alias/Fox +1 HD.png
cp /pictures/Fox.png /pictures/alias/Fox +2 HD.png

So when I execute it will gnerate all alias pictures I need inside the folder /pictures/alias/

I tried to do it with the command

awk -vlines=$(cat /pictures/alias_list.txt | wc -l) -vsource="/pictures/" -vtarget="/pictures/alias/" '/<02>/{getline;while($0 !~ /<01>/){print "cp " source SOURCE OFS target $0;if(NR==lines){exit};getline}} /<01>/{getline;SOURCE=$0;next}' /pictures/alias_list.txt > /pictures/

But is not working, I hope is more clear now Smilie

Excuseme if my english is not really well!

Last edited by Tapiocapioca; 03-31-2018 at 12:01 PM..
# 6  
Old 03-31-2018
OK, let's try our luck. How about
awk -vSRC="/pictures/" -vTGT="/pictures/alias/" -vDQ='"' 'gsub (/<0(1|2)>/, _) {ORG = $0; next} {print "cp " DQ SRC ORG DQ, DQ TGT $0 DQ}' file4
cp "/pictures/CBS.png" "/pictures/alias/cbs.png"
cp "/pictures/CBS.png" "/pictures/alias/CBS HD.png"
cp "/pictures/CBS.png" "/pictures/alias/CBS SD.png"
cp "/pictures/CBS.png" "/pictures/alias/CBS HD +1.png"
cp "/pictures/Disney Channel.png" "/pictures/alias/DISNEY CHANNEL.png"
cp "/pictures/Disney Channel.png" "/pictures/alias/DISNEY CHANNEL HD.png"
cp "/pictures/Fox.png" "/pictures/alias/FOX.png"
cp "/pictures/Fox.png" "/pictures/alias/FoX.png"
cp "/pictures/Fox.png" "/pictures/alias/FOX HD.png"
cp "/pictures/Fox.png" "/pictures/alias/FOX FHD.png"
cp "/pictures/Fox.png" "/pictures/alias/FOX FHD.png"
cp "/pictures/Fox.png" "/pictures/alias/Fox +1 HD.png"
cp "/pictures/Fox.png" "/pictures/alias/Fox +2 HD.png"

If happy with the result pipe it through sh to make it really happen...
This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
# 7  
Old 03-31-2018
Is working perfectly! Many hours of my time are saved!! Thank you so much Smilie
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