Read a lis, find items in a file from the list, change each item
I have some tab delimited text data,
file: final_temp1
You can see that the data is incomplete in some cases. There is a trailing tab after the first column for each incomplete row. I have added the notation above to make that clear
I also have a list of the incomplete cases.
file: incomplete_case_list
What I need to do is to work through the list of incomplete cases to find the matching row in my file and alter it. I need to add "NAME;" as a prefix to the first column value, followed by tab, followed by the word "failed"
I thought I could just loop through the incomplete file list and make sed substitutions,
I am getting a sed error,
I don't think this is from the first sed command (substituting the tab) but the error is not very clear to me. In my real files, the values in the name column can have a number of characters like comma, unmatched single quotes, parenthesis, square brackets, and curly braces. I am wondering if sed is rejecting some of these characters. I tried putting double quotes around $line and $new_line in the second sed command, but that doesn't help
I tried replacing the sed line with awk,
This gives me the error,
The is one of the messy names from actual data. Is there something in this string that needs to be handled differently. I frequently use both sed an awk with data like the this and I have not seen this error before.
I am not sure if sed will find the pattern because the line terminates with a tab and I am not sure that is being read into "line" during the while loop. I also don't know if there is still and end of line character there or not. I suppose I could strip out all trailing whitespace character first.
The repetitive overwriting of the files is also expensive but it is unlikely that there will ever by very many entries in the incomplete_case_list.
Are there any comments on what I am doing wrong here, or a better method all together?
Last edited by LMHmedchem; 12-02-2016 at 12:36 AM..
Thank you for the suggestion. I don't see the name of the file that I am processing here, just the name of the file with the failed rows. Am I missing something?
The script below works and is pretty fast.
For lines that were printed unchanged, I was going to just echo $line,
This works, but I get space delimited output and not tab. I thought that using echo -e would address that. It is almost like IFS=$'\t' read -a is converting the tabs to spaces when the line is read in. Is there a way to address that situation?
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notice that 2002 and 2004 are NOT in array.
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Does anyone know if there is a mail command that will allow you to flag all mail items as being read? I've checked out the man mail pages, but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. :confused:
We are running UNIX AIX 5.2.
Thanks in advance,
Kev (3 Replies)