How can I set to execute that command in the loop several concurrently at a time instead of one at a time.
This is a somewhat dangerous proposition. You should have some limiting factor (a "fanout value") to limit the number of jobs running at the same time.
This is a somewhat dangerous proposition. You should have some limiting factor (a "fanout value") to limit the number of jobs running at the same time.
A sketch for a possible solution could be:
I hope this helps.
Does it work? No.. It keeps looping all the time without stopping. ---------- Post updated at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:01 PM ----------
Originally Posted by MadeInGermany
Try to put the commands in background
Why not simply read from the file?
I read somewhere it will ignore the last line? So I have spent sometime to figure out it will work.
This solution does not work as well.
Moderator's Comments:
edit by bakunin: CODE-tags, for code, not QUOTE-tags, please
Does it work? No.. It keeps looping all the time without stopping.
Yes: first of all, this is why i called it a SKETCH, rather than a SOLUTION in first place. And, comparing the original with your version, what you did was to remove the line break, (see the quoted part above) which is exactly the reason why it doesn't stop looping: you took the stop out!
Another thing: one of the reasons you only get - very generalised - sketches (instead of more specific solutions) here is that you didn't tell us anything about your requirements: OS, used version, used shell, .... But then again, maybe i shouldn't explain that but instead just answer
How to execute multiple files in multiple folders and also output to be generated in the same folder?
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I have wrote the following script to apply a module named "trinity" on my files. (it takes two input files and spit a trinity.fasta as output)
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -p node
#SBATCH -A <projectID>
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -t 7-00:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=128GB
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL... (1 Reply)
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for file in... (4 Replies)
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Any... (14 Replies)
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I am writing a code like this
while && &&
echo "Lck file exits"
sleep 1
But this one is not working.Can some one help here please (1 Reply)
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I have a folder with a lot of files and I need that awk do something in each file and print a new file with the output. The input file name should be modified when I print the outpu files.
Thanks in advance for help!
ciao (5 Replies)
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$filename=sprintf("250.1chr%d.ped", $N);
I want to modify this script 1000 times, changing 250.1chr%d.ped to 250.2chr%d.ped, 250.3chr%.ped.......and so on all the way to 250.1000chr%d.ped and store each output in files called
... (4 Replies)
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Each file contains several lines of data. I want to extract a piece of data and output it to a new file.
file1.txt ----> newfile1.txt
file2.txt ----> newfile2.txt
file3.txt ----> newfile3.txt
Here is... (3 Replies)
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I have some files in my directory, and i want to pull all data using for loop....I am using following code but getting error..!
for file in {file1, file2, file3, ..... filen}
L="$(tail -1 $file)";NUM=${L%%|*};DAT=${L##*|}
echo $NUM>>filedata.txt
tail:... (3 Replies)