Count Unique values from multiple lists of files

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# 1  
Old 09-04-2014
Count Unique values from multiple lists of files

Looking for a little help here.

I have 1000's of text files within a multiple folders.

             /1000's Files

2014/01/1000 files
2014/02/1237 files
2014/03/1400 files

There are folders for each year and each month, and within each monthly folder there are 1000's of txt files.

Within each txt file there are 1000's of values.

eg values

What I want to do is for each year/month is to find and count all the Unique Alpha upper of lowercase values and get a count for that value.


Year: 2008
Month: 01 

ACME: 40057
banana: 20253

Then move on to the second monthly folder in 2008 and so on until all years and months parsed.

It would fine all the find unique values and count but do this for all the year and monthly folders.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'd rather not do this manually.
# 2  
Old 09-04-2014
Please show the input that would cause that output.

What have you tried?
# 3  
Old 09-04-2014
My input looks like this


Within each file there values look like this.

Initially was i just going to cat the files and grep the out put and count

eg. cat *.txt|grep TUCAAAA|wc -l for each folder and year.

I know there must be a much simpler way then pasting in hundreds of count lines into a .sh script and running that.

Another thought i had was to get a unique values, then do something like this.

while read line ; do
        a=`cat /home/test/2014/01/*.txt|grep $line|wc -l`
        echo $line $a >> /home/test/counts.txt
done < /home/test/values.txt

It's getting the unique values in the first place that is holding me up.

Last edited by Franklin52; 09-04-2014 at 02:43 PM.. Reason: added code tags
# 4  
Old 09-04-2014
How about putting the to-be-found values into a file and then run
grep -of file /home/test/2014/01/*.txt | sort | uniq -c
      3 TUCAAAA
      3 TUCARSA

on every directory? Would you accept a different output layout?
# 5  
Old 09-05-2014
My issue right now is gathering the unique values, if all values were the same fixed length I'd just use cut and sort to get all the unique values, but not all the values are.
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