Shell script to capture Current day ORA errors from Alert Log

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Shell script to capture Current day ORA errors from Alert Log
# 1  
Old 08-31-2014
Hammer & Screwdriver Shell script to capture Current day ORA errors from Alert Log

Please provide Shell script to capture ORA errors from Alert Log for a given date or Current date.

# 2  
Old 09-02-2014
We are here to help you learn how to use UNIX and Linux system tools to perform tasks that you want to perform. We are not here to research what ORA is, research where it might place an Alert Log, research what date format(s) it might use, nor to guess what you might want to extract from such logs.

Show us sample input (using CODE tags) including the name(s) of the file(s), show us the output you would like to produce (using CODE tags), and show us the code you have tried so far to solve your problem (using CODE tags).

And, to make things easier for the volunteers here who would like to help you, and to get a better chance of getting suggestions that will work correctly in your environment, tell us what OS and shell you're using.
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