Do you just want the one line output, or the whole Release/Branch/Build & PNumber (adjusted)
I'm not too sure why you use cat $line > detail.txt at all. cp $line detail.txt would do, but you could eliminate this and just use $line in the next statement (and remove the cat there too):-
.... or even:-
Although perhaps a little inefficient (and we've all done stuff like this) nothing seems to be 'wrong' apart from seaching for the PatchNumber strings rather than PNumber, but it just depends what you actually want to see.
If you have three files in your loop, what output do you want to get? You are probably very close already.
The variable var appears to be a string with a leading blank. Perhaps one of the other suggestions to get the value set will do the trick, but at worst we could use shell functions to remove the leading space like this:-
This will trim a single leading space, if there is one. If you want to trim off everything up to the last space (in case you have more) you can use ${var## } instead, but beware if your variable really does contain spaces that you want.
Hi all
Unix newbie - please be gentle
Am modifying an existing script to error trap a variable with a length of 0
] && ipold="$(< "$ipfile" )"
ipnew="$( wget -q -O - | sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //;s/<.*$//' )"
#... (6 Replies)
My doubt may be basic one but I need to get it clarified..
When i use "if" condition that checks for many AND, OR logical conditions
if ]; then
return 0
Even the if condition fails it returns as zero.. Any clue..
But if i add else condition like
if ]; ... (2 Replies)
I have some problems in my simple script about the redirect echo stdout command inside a condition. Why is the echo command inside the elif still execute in the else command
Here are my simple script
After check on the two diff output the echo stdout redirect is present in two diff... (3 Replies)
Executed the following if conditions .. and got different results .
only (( )) gave correct o/p with all scenarios .
Can anybody please let me know what is the difference between and ] and ((condition)) when used with if condition.
And why each condition gave different result.
1.... (2 Replies)
I have to evaluate multiple conditions with an 'or'.
Here is an example:
when i use the above i get a error message
Please help me to know if i am missing something in the syntax.
how do i achieve multiple "or" in the same if condition.
Thanks. (11 Replies)
I am trying to execute this command, but is it not working, says "`;' unexpected"
eval $lgrep $SAM_CMD ; if ; then ; echo "No Error" ; fi
What i want is, return the command output, if it is non zero, say "No Error".
Thanks, John. (21 Replies)
i have a paramter data_date in which i am passing a string value.i want to find out another paramter file_date from this.the logic is given below
if day of data_date = sunday or monday
i am passing data_date as 20061027.
how can i... (3 Replies)
Hi friends, :)
In a shell script i found the following if condition.
echo -n "Which version of $1 do you want to restore ('0' to quit)? : "
read desired
if ${desired:=1} -ge $index ] ; then
echo "$0: Restore canceled by user: index value too big." >&2
exit 1
Can... (1 Reply)