Deleting specific lines from text file via scripting

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# 1  
Old 04-03-2014
Linux Deleting specific lines from text file via scripting


I'm trying to search for some number and from that line, i need to delete the 5th line exactly.

Consider below as text file data:


in the above i need to delete 'e','s' and do the same for all matched numbers and update the file.

What i tried is using sed i'm able to find the line number for that matched number but i'm stuck in moving to line no. 5 from 1st matched record.

Can someone kindly suggest some way to do achieve this.
# 2  
Old 04-03-2014
awk '$0 ~ patt {n = NR} NR != n+5' patt='10000' file

This User Gave Thanks to SriniShoo For This Post:
# 3  
Old 04-03-2014
Thanks. it works cool.

isn't that possible with sed ?
# 4  
Old 04-03-2014
sed '/10000/{n;n;n;n;n;d}' file

# 5  
Old 04-11-2014
I found a flaw in that 'awk' code..

lets say file as c.txt :

It works fine for the above file as the first set of data is that of same pattern we provide in that code..

Now lets say as d.txt :

It removes the 'e' from first set of lines also..

Hope you getting the issue.

---------- Post updated 04-11-14 at 09:05 AM ---------- Previous update was 04-10-14 at 10:44 AM ----------

Can someone help me in this ?

---------- Post updated at 09:06 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:05 AM ----------

Can someone help me out for this issue ?
# 6  
Old 04-12-2014
awk '$0 ~ PATT {P=NR+5} NR!=P' PATT=10000 file

This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
# 7  
Old 04-17-2014
I was trying to do this to all files ending with .txt in my destination directory using the following code :
cd /my_destination_dir/

for i in `ls *.txt`
awk '$0 ~ pat {n=NR+5} NR!=n' pat=10000 $i > $i

the given awk code works well for a single file even made with run time arguments but to make this dynamic for all files its not getting achieved.

What my code does is - making all .txt files to empty.

Can you please tell where i'm going wrong in the code
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