Help with identify gradient and the coefficient of determination of a straight line

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help with identify gradient and the coefficient of determination of a straight line
# 8  
Old 04-03-2014
I can help you digest it. I honestly meant to explain every solution that I post on this site.

Most of the stuff before "if (denomy != 0)" are just variables that are used to calculate the slopes and R squared values. I'm specifically talking about the first five sets of curly brackets. There are also several integers in the formulas that are fixed. 19 is the sum of the x values, 145 is the sum of the squares of the x values, 361 is the square of the sum of the x values and 4 is the number of data points you have (I use 4.0 to avoid integer division--I'm not sure if that's necessary). We check if denomy is equal to zero because it's the only thing responsible for division by zero and thus the #N/A. If denomy is not equal to zero, then we print the original file (that's what $0 means, and by the way, $1 means first field, $2 means second field and so on), then we print the slope, and then the R squared value. If denomy is zero, we do the same as if it weren't, except we don't print R squared, we just print "#N/A". You could put anything in place of "#N/A" that you want. Let me know if you have any questions.
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# 9  
Old 04-08-2014
Thanks, blakeoft.

Your explanation in detail really help me a lot.
I'm very appreciate for that Smilie

Currently I'm trying to edit the code if I have more data column information add in.
I will ask your professional advice again later.
Thanks first.
# 10  
Old 04-09-2014
Hi blakeoft,

Sorry for disturbing again.
Do you have any idea calculate only those fixed number in your awk code based on case by case ?
I have 80,000++ line in an input file. I would like to calculate slope and R2 of each line based on their corresponding column data.

Really thanks if you have any idea.
# 11  
Old 04-10-2014
I'm not quite sure I understand your question. Are you wanting to be able to find the slope and R squared for each row if the x values aren't always 0, 3, 6 and 10?
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