Creating repeating record in between file through script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Creating repeating record in between file through script
# 1  
Old 03-23-2014
Wrench Creating repeating record in between file through script

apprecieate your help to resove this.

My source file looke like
1001 000 HEADER  
1001 001 RAJESH
1001 002    100 
1001 002    200
1001 002    500
1001    006 FOOTER
1002 000 HEADER  
1002 001 RAMESH
1002 002    100 
1002 002    200
1002 002    500
1002    006 FOOTER

my tartet file output should be in below way.

Here single set of record would be considered from Header record to footer record . In source, 001(second column) will start after header record for each set. It presesnt only one time source record in each set. But as per my requirement, I need '001' record has to come every before '002'. Please help to resolve this. apprecieate your help.

I need unix shell script to make it in below way.
1001 000 HEADER  
1001 001 RAJESH
1001 002    100
1001 001 RAJESH 
1001 002    200
1001 001 RAJESH
1001 002    500
1001    006 FOOTER
1002 000 HEADER  
1002 001 RAMESH
1002 002    100
1002 001 RAMESH 
1002 002    200
1002 001 RAMESH
1002 002    500
1002    006 FOOTER

Last edited by Scott; 03-23-2014 at 03:03 AM.. Reason: Use code tags, please...
# 2  
Old 03-23-2014
Hi guy,
try this and may it could work.
$ echo '1001 000 HEADER
1001 001 RAJESH
1001 002 100
1001 002 200
1001 002 500
1001 006 FOOTER
1002 000 HEADER
1002 001 RAMESH
1002 002 100
1002 002 200
1002 002 500
1002 006 FOOTER'|awk '/HEADER/{s=1;print;next}s{r=$0;s=0;t=1;print;next}!/FOOTER/&&!t{print r}{t=0;print}'
1001 000 HEADER
1001 001 RAJESH
1001 002 100
1001 001 RAJESH
1001 002 200
1001 001 RAJESH
1001 002 500
1001 006 FOOTER
1002 000 HEADER
1002 001 RAMESH
1002 002 100
1002 001 RAMESH
1002 002 200
1002 001 RAMESH
1002 002 500
1002 006 FOOTER

cheer up.

This User Gave Thanks to Lucas_0418 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 03-23-2014
Thanks for you reply

I have tried modifying as below. Iam getting error. is that correct??
<filename>'|awk '/001/{s=1;print;next}s{r=$0;s=0;t=1;print;next}!/006/&&!t{print r}{t=0;print}' > <targetfile>

any chagnes needed??

Last edited by Scott; 03-23-2014 at 03:15 AM.. Reason: Code tags, please...
# 4  
Old 03-23-2014
Hi guy,

I used ' echo something | ' to be stdin of the awk in my reply, and if you want to use a file name, don't use pipeline | like that, otherwise you will get an error.

And I saw you modify the HEADER and FOOTER in my code, may you want to locate them with the number in the second field instead of the string in the 3rd.

you'd better do it like this:
awk '$2~/000/{s=1;print;next}s{r=$0;s=0;t=1;print;next}$2!~/006/&&!t{print r}{t=0;print}'  filename > targetfile

# 5  
Old 03-23-2014
Hi ,

Iam getting below error. can you please on this.
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1


Last edited by Scott; 03-23-2014 at 07:19 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 6  
Old 03-23-2014
Hi ,
The codes run successfully in my cygwin environment, and I am sorry that I can't get any more test environment in weekend.
What's your environment , OS ? awk version ?
And I just try to modify my code to make it more compatible.
awk '{if($2~/000/){s=1;print $0;next}}
{if(s){r=$0;t=1;s=0;print $0;next}}
{if($2!~/006/&&t==0){print r}}
{t=0;print $0}' file

This User Gave Thanks to Lucas_0418 For This Post:
# 7  
Old 03-23-2014
Very nice. i can able to do. it is working fine. Thanks a lot....
This User Gave Thanks to Ganesh L For This Post:
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