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# 8  
Old 03-07-2014
Been attempting to figure this out myself (so I can learn) but I can not figure out how to alter the script RudiC created to delete instead of print contents to a text file. Everytime I test the print to .txt file it works great.

I have also tried doing the following one liner that isn't working either.
cat domains.txt | while read Z; do sed -e "/^zone \"${Z}\"/,/^};/d" named.conf.tmp > named.conf.out; done cp -p named.conf.out named.conf.tmp;  done

I think my way isn't as nice as RudiC way so I am going back to trying to figure out how to change it to delete those entries.

Any help would be great. (Hints even)
# 9  
Old 03-07-2014
Using awk you cannot modify the file on the fly. Just redirect the output to another file.
awk '...' domain.txt file > new.conf

The new.conf will have everything except the domain entries you wanted to delete. And then you can rename this file to whatever you want.


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