Problem to print out record got smallest number in specific column

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# 1  
Old 02-26-2014
Problem to print out record got smallest number in specific column


Anybody know how to print out the record that shown smallest number among column 3 and column 4
Case 1 Input :
37170   37196   77      51
37174   37195   73      52
37174   37194   73      53

Case 1 Output :
37170   37196   77      51

Case 2 Input :
469613  469660  73      120
469614  469659  74      119
469616  469657  76      117
469618  469655  78      115

Case 2 Output :
469613  469660  73      120

Case 3 Input :
648274  648296  239     261

Case 3 Output :
648274  648296  239     261

By comparing only column 3 and 4 in each case. I would like to print out only the line that got smallest number (eg. 51 in column 4, Case 1 is smallest; 73 in column 3, Case 2 is smallest).

If just only one record in the file, then just straight print it out. Since nothing to compare in column 3 or 4.

Thanks for any advice.
It seems like a bit complicated comparison Smilie
# 2  
Old 02-26-2014
Quick dirty awk:
awk 'NR==1{L=$NF<$(NF-1)?$NF:$(NF-1)}$(NF-1)<= L{L=$(NF-1);t=$0};$NF<=L{L=$NF;t=$0}END{print t}' infile

This User Gave Thanks to Klashxx For This Post:
# 3  
Old 02-26-2014
Here is another approach:
awk '{x=$3<$4?$3:$4; i=i?i:x ;if(x<=i){i=x; s=$0}} END{print s}' file

This User Gave Thanks to Subbeh For This Post:
# 4  
Old 02-26-2014
Thanks, it worked fine and perfect Smilie

---------- Post updated at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:39 AM ----------

Hi Subbeh,

I have one more question need your advice :
48524   48543   21      2
48520   48547   25      2

From the above situation, column 4 between both line are smallest.
But column 3 in line 1 smaller than column 3 in line 2.
Do you know how to change your awk code to allow it print out the line that has smallest number in column 3 and column 4?

Thanks for advice.

---------- Post updated at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:59 PM ----------

Hi Subbeh,

I just find a "bug" when try to run your awk code :
Input file
48524   48543   21      0
48520   48547   25      2

Output file after run awk program
awk '{x=$3<$4?$3:$4; i=i?i:x ;if(x<=i){i=x; s=$0}} END{print s}' file
48520   48547   25      2

Desired Output :
48524   48543   21      0

Thanks ya.

---------- Post updated at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:06 PM ----------

Hi Klashxx,

Do you have any idea how to do the second comparison and print out the line that has smallest number in column 3 and 4?
I notice in some case, the smallest number are in same column (either column 3 or 4). In that case, I would like to compare the other column and print out the line that record smallest number in both column 3 and 4.

Thanks a lot.
It a bit complicated case Smilie
# 5  
Old 02-27-2014
You could try something like:
awk '
function chk() {
        l1 = $3 < $4 ? $3 : $4
        l2 = $3 > $4 ? $3 : $4
        return(l1 < low1 || (l1 == low1 && l2 < low2))
function sav(sl1, sl2) {
        low1 = sl1
        low2 = sl2
        line = $0
NR == 1 {
        sav($3 < $4 ? $3 : $4, $3 > $4 ? $3 : $4)
chk() { sav(nl1, nl2)
END {   print line
}' file

This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
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