How to search specific object in binary file?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to search specific object in binary file?
# 1  
Old 02-14-2014
How to search specific object in binary file?

I have a very important question:

I have to find a table 'XXTO_AR_TABLE' in a folder present in server and in this folder these types files are present: .rdf, jar file, java class file etc. These are binary files.

I want to get name of these files where my table named 'XXTO_AR_TABLE' is present.

Expected Output: (approx)
XXTO_AR_TABLE  is present in  APTBRX.rdf
XXTO_AR_TABLE  is present in  APJORF.class

Please anyone help on this, it's very urgent for me.


Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment even for little data, we want to see code tags! thank you

Last edited by vbe; 02-14-2014 at 09:48 AM..
# 2  
Old 02-14-2014
You mean string, a table is a srtucture and most likely would be in memory or exist as a file or perhaps included in a binary. But you are looking for its name an so its a string...
Searching fo a string is achieved using grep
# 3  
Old 02-17-2014
I tried to search with "grep" command but it is only working with SQL files e.g. package_name.sql. If trying to search in .rdf or .class or any other binary file, output is not comming.
Do you have particular command for this ? please suggest or provide the excact command.
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