Searching and printing the only pattern using awk,sed or perl

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Searching and printing the only pattern using awk,sed or perl
# 8  
Old 01-30-2014
Hello Omkar,

grep -v will remove the line completely if pattern is matched. We can take help for awk here.

lparstat -i | grep -w "Entitled Capacity" | awk 'gsub(/[a-zA-Z]/,X,$0) gsub(/[[:punct:]]/,Y,$0) {print $0}'

R. Singh
# 9  
Old 01-30-2014
great but the output of the script as as below :

$ lparstat -i | grep -w "Entitled Capacity" | awk 'gsub(/[a-zA-Z]/,X,$0) gsub(/[[:punct:]]/,Y,$0)'

i was looking to grep only the below line :

PHP Code:
Entitled Capacity                          1.00 
out of the below output :

PHP Code:
lparstat -grep -"Entitled Capacity"
Entitled Capacity                          1.00
Entitled Capacity of Pool                  
Could you guide me how can to do that...output should be:
Entitled Capacity : 1.00

script should search for pattern "Entitled Capacity" only.

please let me know how can this be achived .
# 10  
Old 01-30-2014

Following may help.

lparstat -i | grep -w "Entitled Capacity" | awk -F":" 'NR==1 {a=$1;gsub(/[[:space:]]/,X,a); {print a OFS $2}}'

for getting colon in output.

lparstat -i | grep -w "Entitled Capacity" | awk -F":" -vs1=" : " 'NR==1 {a=$1;gsub(/[[:space:]]/,X,a); {print a s1 $2}}'

R. Singh

Last edited by RavinderSingh13; 01-30-2014 at 09:55 AM.. Reason: adding one more solution
# 11  
Old 01-30-2014
Try :

$ lparstat -i | awk '/Entitled Capacity/ && NF==4{$1=$1;print}'

Tested like this
$ cat file
Entitled Capacity                          : 1.00
Entitled Capacity of Pool                  : 1900

$ awk '/Entitled Capacity/ && NF==4{$1=$1;print}' file
Entitled Capacity : 1.00

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