Want to get lines before specific pattern

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# 1  
Old 01-22-2014
Want to get lines before specific pattern

Hi ,
I want to insert data into a new file after grepping specific pattern . for more info please read following
for example:

I want to "INAVLID ABC" grep above pattern from multiple files and want to write abc value and def value above this pattern into a new file and also it should show how many record are updated
abc and def value can be changed from time to time but pattern will remain same

In my newfile it should look like
abc                                       def             
12345678902222          45678904444    "INVALID ABC"

at end of file it should show how many records i.e. lines
Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Please use CODE tags when showing sample code, sample input, and sample output.

Last edited by Don Cragun; 01-22-2014 at 03:47 AM.. Reason: Add CODE tags.
# 2  
Old 01-22-2014
Hi Vipin,

Please re-post the code with code-tags.
Also, explain the requirement in detail.

Does "INAVLID ABC" has anything to relate abc=... (upper and lower case)

Use some more realistic samples with all the possible criteria covered with required output.
This User Gave Thanks to clx For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-22-2014
Reply:Want to get lines before specific pattern

Hi Clx,

Thanks for replying.
there is no relation " INVALID ABC" is just pattern . i just want to get the values of abc and def and i want to write in the file

abc and def are above the pattern " INVALID ABC".

and in the lase it should tell me how many records are updated
# 4  
Old 01-22-2014
Could this help you ?
perl -ne 'BEGIN{print "abc\t\t\tdef\n";}
if(/^abc/../^INAVLID ABC/){if (/^abc=(.+?)$/){ print $1,"\t";}
if(/^def=(.+?)$/){ print $1,"\t","INAVLID ABC\n";}}' files

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