Script Output

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# 1  
Old 01-20-2014
Script Output

hi Gurus,

Need help in getting the desired output.

The source file can have multiple occurrences of a plan. Need to get distinct instance along with other columns.

Please refer to attachment.


P3,L3,XX,3,S3,Volume Discount
P3,L3,XX,3,S3,Volume Discount
P3,L3,XX,3,S3,Volume Discount

P3,usd,3,1,0,Volume Discount,L3

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 01-20-2014 at 02:33 PM.. Reason: code tags
# 2  
Old 01-20-2014
Something like this?
awk '!A[$0]++{print $1,"usd",$4,1,0,$6,$2}' FS=, OFS=, file

This User Gave Thanks to Scrutinizer For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-20-2014
is that you just need to remove multiple occurrences or even you need to format your output ? to what i see in your output , your input has undergone a format change too ?

Just to remove duplicates you can use
awk '!x[$0]++' file

Solution provide by @Scrutinizer is perfect for format change and duplicates removal

# 4  
Old 01-20-2014
hi Gurus,

Need help in getting the desired output.

The source file can have multiple occurrences of a plan. Need to get distinct instance along with other columns.

Please refer to attachment.


P1,L1,XX,1,S1,StandardP2,L2,XX,2,S2,StandardP3,L3,XX,3,S3,Volume DiscountP3,L3,XX,3,S3,Volume DiscountP3,L3,XX,3,S3,Volume DiscountP4,L4,XX,4,S4,Standard


P1,usd,1,1,0,Standard,L1P2,usd,2,1,0,Standard,L2P3,usd,3,1,0,Volume Discount,L3P4,usd,4,1,0,Standard,L4

One more approach for same.

awk -F"," ' {$(NF+1)=$2} {$2="usd"} {$3=$4} {$4=1} {$5=0} !a[$0]++' OFS=, file_name

Output will be as follows.

P3,usd,3,1,0,Volume Discount,L3

R. Singh
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