Grep multiple strings in a file

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# 8  
Old 01-11-2014
Originally Posted by Yoda
grep "Monday.*Working" file

The output is not as desired.. here is the output
Today is Monday and Working day for all 
Tomorrow will be Tuesday and Working day

When i was expecting only Today is Monday and Working day for all

---------- Post updated at 12:39 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:38 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Don Cragun
What operating system and shell are you using?
I dont have either bash or ksh. i m using plain sh shell
# 9  
Old 01-11-2014
You said you were using Sun SPARC. You wouldn't answer what operating system you're using, but it is likely either a Solaris operating system or a Linux operating system; both of which either have ksh or bash available for your use. And, the commands Akshay gave you should work with both ksh and bash.

No matter what OS you're using on a Sun SPARC system, the command:
grep Monday your_log_file | grep Working

should work and one or both of the following should also work:
grep -E 'Monday.*Working|Working.*Monday' your_log_file
egrep 'Monday.*Working|Working.*Monday' your_log_file

But, the code Yoda gave you could not produce the output you showed us in Message #8 in this thread unless there is something very strange in your input file that isn't visible in the sample input you posted.

Note that the RE Monday.*Working will work fine as long as Monday comes before Working. The ERE used in the last two grep (and egrep) commands above will work if Monday comes before or after Working.
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