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# 1  
Old 01-09-2014
Help with bash


From a folder which contains like 250 *.txt files, I want to do egrep -i "can't|cannot|CANCELLED". for all the files and then save each file that can't run as

Example of the contents inside one of the *.txt file:
This version and especially its site packages were build with gcc and gfortran.
***** Use at your own risk! *****
Can't open file. No such file or directory.

Can someone please help me in doing this task with bash.

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Please use CODE tags not only for code segments, but also for sample input files and sample output files.

Last edited by Don Cragun; 01-09-2014 at 01:53 PM.. Reason: Add CODE tags around sample input.
# 2  
Old 01-09-2014
Do you want to move the txt files, or the files they reference?
# 3  
Old 01-09-2014
I agree with CarloM. The specification of what is wanted here is missing crucial information.

I'm guessing that if the input file given in the 1st message in this thread is named anything.txt you want to rename that file to be 1402_3853.can.txt. Is that correct?

Or, do you want a file literally named $id.can.txt that has one line in it containing the name of each file that contains one of the three strings can't, cannot, or CANCELLED (using a case insensitive match)?

Or, do you want something completely different from either of the above?
# 4  
Old 01-09-2014

I want to pick the name of the new file from id. So here the id is

and therefore the file name should be


So I want a file named $id.can.txt that has one line in it containing the name of each file that contains one of the three strings can't , cannot , or CANCELLED .
# 5  
Old 01-09-2014
Originally Posted by rossi

I want to pick the name of the new file from id. So here the id is

and therefore the file name should be


So I want a file named $id.can.txt that has one line in it containing the name of each file that contains one of the three strings can't , cannot , or CANCELLED .
So you want to rename the files containing those strings AND you want a file containing the names of the renamed files. Do you want the original names or the new names of the renamed files in $id.can.txt?
# 6  
Old 01-09-2014
EDIT: Don reads better than I do Smilie.
# 7  
Old 01-09-2014
MAybe it's more clear now

---------- Post updated at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:15 PM ----------

In a folder there is a1.txt, b2.txt, c3.txt....

Inside a1.txt :
id : 73254
cannot find

Inside b2.txt :
id :dfgds

Inside c3.txt:
id : 3467

So I want files named:

---------- Post updated at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:18 PM ----------

SO any solutions now?
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