Translating script to perl

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# 1  
Old 01-07-2014
Translating script to perl




                PXNAME=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $1}')
                SVNAME=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $2}')

                FRUPERCENT=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print ($5 / $7) * 100}')
                FRUSTATUS=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $18}')

                if [ "${FRUSTATUS}" = "OPEN" ] ; then

                        awk "BEGIN {

                                                print \"OK: svname($SVNAME)=${FRUPERCENT}% , STATUS_OPEN , pxname($PXNAME)\" ; exit 0 }

                                else if(($FRUPERCENT>=$UWARNING) && ($FRUPERCENT<$UCRITICAL))
                                                print \"WARNING: svname($SVNAME)=${FRUPERCENT}% , STATUS_OPEN , pxname($PXNAME)\" ; exit 1 }
                                else if ($FRUPERCENT>=$UCRITICAL)
                                                print \"CRITICAL: svname($SVNAME)=${FRUPERCENT}% , STATUS_OPEN , pxname($PXNAME)\" ; exit 2 }
                                                print \"UNKNOWN: svname($SVNAME)=${FRUPERCENT}% , STATUS_OPEN , pxname($PXNAME)\" ; exit 3}

                elif [ "${FRUSTATUS}" != "OPEN" ] ; then

                        awk "BEGIN {

                                                print \"CRITICAL: STATUS_NOTOPEN , svname($SVNAME)=${FRUPERCENT}% , pxname($PXNAME)\" ; exit 2 }
                                else if(($FRUPERCENT>=$UWARNING) && ($FRUPERCENT<$UCRITICAL))
                                                print \"CRITICAL: STATUS_NOTOPEN , svname($SVNAME)=${FRUPERCENT}% , pxname($PXNAME)\" ; exit 2 }
                                else if ($FRUPERCENT>=$UCRITICAL)
                                                print \"CRITICAL: STATUS_NOTOPEN , svname($SVNAME)=${FRUPERCENT}% , pxname($PXNAME)\" ; exit 2 }
                                                print \"UNKNOWN: STATUS_NOTOPEN , svname($SVNAME)=${FRUPERCENT}% , pxname($PXNAME)\" ; exit 3}

is there anyway this can be translated to perl? this is part of a very large script. if i can translate the above to perl, i can redo the other script based on how the above is translated to perl.

any help is much appreciated.

Last edited by SkySmart; 01-22-2014 at 07:07 PM..
# 2  
Old 01-07-2014
While not recommended, the perl monks admit this sh to PERL app exists: Clive Darke / App-sh2p-0.06 -
This User Gave Thanks to DGPickett For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-07-2014
This isn't just shell script you have submitted so any translator is probably not going to work. This also contains awk script. There have been a number of times in my career where there just isn't an easy way to handle large and many times poorly written scripts. You just have to attempt to understand them in a top down fashion and re-write them. In this case, I always make sure I am not trying to correct something that really isn't broken. What problem will you solve by converting this to perl?
This User Gave Thanks to blackrageous For This Post:
# 4  
Old 01-07-2014
Originally Posted by SkySmart
any help is much appreciated.
hand translate yourself and learn some Perl. for example this
PXNAME=$(echo $line | awk -F, '{print $1}')

is just getting the first field of a comma delimited line. you can
use split() in Perl for this.
# 5  
Old 01-08-2014
Originally Posted by SkySmart
is there anyway this can be translated to perl? this is part of a very large script. if i can translate the above to perl, i can redo the other script based on how the above is translated to perl.

any help is much appreciated.
Rather than asking someone to change entire script to perl Smilie , you could have understand the logic and ask doubts in that.

By seeing, it is not a very big script. It just have some "if" conditions.
So try to do it yourself and ask any doubts Smilie either in bash or in perl.

Happy coding Smilie
# 6  
Old 01-08-2014
Originally Posted by blackrageous
This isn't just shell script you have submitted so any translator is probably not going to work. This also contains awk script. There have been a number of times in my career where there just isn't an easy way to handle large and many times poorly written scripts. You just have to attempt to understand them in a top down fashion and re-write them. In this case, I always make sure I am not trying to correct something that really isn't broken. What problem will you solve by converting this to perl?
it isn't by choice that i have to write this in perl. i've been doing this long enough to know the language used to write a script is utterly irrelevant as long as you know precisely what it is you want and you also make efficiency a number 1 priority to you. in this case, the above script needs to be translated to perl, just because of the culture of the environment here. perl is all they know. so yeah. there's really nothing i have to solve. awk has been more than enough for me in the past. if things really need to get really fancy, then php to the rescue.
# 7  
Old 01-22-2014
The less an author knows, the longer, more fragile and more complicated the script. This problem might be withing the reach of bash or ksh, if the problem and tool are both clearly understood.
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