awk to search for specific line and replace nth column

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting awk to search for specific line and replace nth column
# 15  
Old 12-09-2013
Now it appears that the 13th column in every line is replaced....even the line that do not contain 2013.

AL00101062012   1.54   0.76  -1.39  -2.18  -2.59  -2.84  -2.28  -1.96  -1.02   1.42   0.61  -9.99 -99.99
AL00101062013   1.36   0.75   0.65   0.95   1.22   1.21   2.90   3.08   2.94   2.22    1.59  -9.99 -99.99
AL00102061895   0.69  -0.66  -0.28  -0.77   0.06   0.34   0.45   0.96  -0.41  -0.41  -0.93  -9.99 -99.99

should be

AA00101062012   1.54   0.76  -1.39  -2.18  -2.59  -2.84  -2.28  -1.96  -1.02   1.42   0.61 2.48 -99.99
AA00101062013   1.36   0.75   0.65   0.95   1.22   1.21   2.90   3.08   2.94   2.22    1.59  -9.99 -99.99
AA00102060001   0.69  -0.66  -0.28  -0.77   0.06   0.34   0.45   0.96  -0.41  -0.41  -0.93  0.86 -99.99

Last edited by ncwxpanther; 12-09-2013 at 02:37 PM..
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