awk print values between consecutive lines

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# 8  
Old 12-05-2013
In your first post you were checking $5 this made confusion, anyways this will work and corona's solution also, it checks $2
$ cat file
ABC     12315   68.53   12042013   165144
ABC     12315   62.12   12042013   165145
ABC     12315  122.36   12052013   165146
ABC     12315  582.18   12052013   165147
ABC     12316    2.36   12052013   165141
ABC     12316   68.53   12042013   165142
ABC     12316  122.36   12052013   165144
ABC     12316  122.36   12052013   165145

$ awk '!/^ABC/{next}p!=$2{print l ? l FS x[p] RS $0 : $0}{p=$2;l=$0;x[$2]++}END{print l FS x[p] }' file
ABC     12315   68.53   12042013   165144
ABC     12315  582.18   12052013   165147 4
ABC     12316    2.36   12052013   165141
ABC     12316  122.36   12052013   165145 4

Last edited by Akshay Hegde; 12-05-2013 at 04:26 PM..
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# 9  
Old 12-05-2013
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