Sum value in a row and print the max

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Sum value in a row and print the max
# 1  
Old 12-03-2013
Sum value in a row and print the max

I have the input file in attached.

I want the output file :
Date , Time , Max_Bearer
11/01/2013 , 23:00 , 1447.894167
11/02/2013 , 00:00 , 1429.266667
11/03/2013 , 00:00 , 712.3175
11/04/2013 , 22:00 , 650.9533333
11/05/2013 , 23:00 , 665.9558333
11/06/2013 , 23:00 , 659.8616667
11/07/2013 , 23:00 , 658.26
11/08/2013 , 12:00 , 582.7608333
11/09/2013 , 22:00 , 575.7433333
11/10/2013 , 22:00 , 580.1966667
11/11/2013 , 21:00 , 561.8425
11/12/2013 , 22:00 , 573.9575
11/13/2013 , 20:00 , 598.265
11/14/2013 , 22:00 , 576.7808333
11/15/2013 , 13:00 , 585.7066667
11/16/2013 , 22:00 , 591.3466667
11/17/2013 , 22:00 , 590.0875
11/18/2013 , 22:00 , 589.975
11/19/2013 , 22:00 , 586.0625
11/20/2013 , 20:00 , 576.6925
11/21/2013 , 20:00 , 587.5325
11/22/2013 , 22:00 , 584.4366667
11/23/2013 , 22:00 , 587.0691667
11/24/2013 , 22:00 , 583.9275
11/25/2013 , 22:00 , 604.375
11/26/2013 , 22:00 , 614.1791667
11/27/2013 , 22:00 , 600.42
11/28/2013 , 22:00 , 591.69
11/29/2013 , 23:00 , 591.0058333
11/30/2013 , 22:00 , 597.6166667

the column 1 = date , 2 = hour for max value, 3 = total for the row in each hour


Last edited by justbow; 12-04-2013 at 05:15 AM.. Reason: results on nov only
# 2  
Old 12-03-2013
Please, also, show your attempts at solving this and where you're stuck..
# 3  
Old 12-04-2013
grep 2 $@ | cut -d"," -f1 > 1
grep 2 $@ | cut -d"," -f2-6 | awk -F, '{sum=0; for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) sum=sum+$i; print sum}' > 2

paste -d" " 1 2 > 3
awk -F" " '
        str="Date Time  Max_Bearer";
        #ti= $1 " " $2;
        if ( str !~ $1 ) {
                print str " , " hr " , "  max;
                str = $1;

        if ( max < $3 ) {
                max = $3;
                hr = $2;
                print str " , " hr " , " max;

}' 3

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